Departure - Elrond

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Warnings: longing, sadness
Word count: 1428
Other: -
Requested: nope

Your ship to The Grey Havens is leaving soon, but you are having a hard time letting go of the world you are leaving behind.

You laid a solemn look into the kingdom behind you. It had been your home for so long that leaving it felt wrong. It was almost unbearable to think that you would never see it again.
"Something on your mind, my darling?" Elrond's warm voice sounded as he lifted your jacket onto your shoulders, smoothing the fabric as you pushed your hands into the sleeves.
"I am just thinking." Your response was short, and he knew you were not telling him the whole story. He saw the look you gave the kingdom and encased your hands into his, kissing your knuckles.
"You do know that this is not the end, my dear. It is a beginning." You nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"I do know. But that does not ease the pain in my heart. Rivendell has been our home for so long, how am I supposed to just walk away?" Your words ended in a large sigh, and Elrond gave your hands a reassuring squeeze.
"Because we are going to a new home. A better one. One we'll never have to leave." He promised you, encasing your hand into the palm of his. His hand was larger than yours, still carrying the callouses of battle even though he had not been part of the guard in many years.

Elrond guided you gently past all the elves that were gathered on the clearing, saying their goodbyes and preparing for leaving. The mood floating in the woods was solemn, but there was a glimmering sense of hope that refused to be drowned out, and you tried to keep it in your mind as sadness threatened to take over.
"My lady, my lord." One of the elves overlooking the horses lead one to you by its reins, a beautiful white mare. Elrond stepped out of your way, gesturing to you to get to the saddle. You shook your head, taking a step back.
"I couldn't possibly, you are the Lord of Rivendell, you should take her. I am perfectly alright walking." You tried to sway his decision, but his mind couldn't be changed. Which you should have known, after so many years of marriage, but you had tried anyway.
"What kind of a husband I was if I let you walk while I rode?" His tone was teasing, but it softened as he continued.
"This way, you will be able to watch the surroundings better, my dearest, without having to worry about tripping." You shook your head gently but pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"You are always so considerate, my love."
"I do think it is my duty as your husband."

Elrond helped you up onto her saddle, the added weight of you on her back made her throw her head slightly, her mane flying in the air. She quickly calmed down when you pet her neck and talked to her softly in Sindarin. She nickered softly and pawed the ground with her foreleg, ready to go, her tail swishing with excitement. She had been locked in the stables for too long in her opinion, she yearned to get moving already. Her eagerness to get moving seeped into you as well, and even though the thought of leaving still hurt, the journey ahead didn't feel like such a push anymore.

The whole journey to the port was silent, neither you nor Elrond said anything. Elrond still remained next to your horse, his hand occasionally brushing its coat or your leg, guiding your way wordlessly. You watched as birds flew above you, singing their songs. Your eyes wandered around the trees, the moss on their trunks, the small blooms that covered the ground. You tried to sink the sight deep into your memory, as you did with the smell of moss, the small whisper of wind dancing through the trees, the almost nonexistent sound of a few leaves falling from the trees. You closed your eyes as some of the elves in your group began to sing softly, humming the songs that were familiar to you. The words told a story of loss and goodbyes, but they also carried a promise of a better tomorrow. You tried to keep the tears at bay,

Your unease grew as the port came into view, the ship standing tall in the dark water, its white sails tied neatly up, for now. Soon, they would be open and take you to your new home. The ship was swaying slightly as the small waves swept past, the metal of the ropes clicking into each other. The sun was setting behind it, coloring the landscape in warm shades of yellow, the rays of the sun reflecting on the rippling water.

You slid down from the horse with the help of Elrond, and you gave him a smile when you noticed Lady Galadriel standing by the pier with her husband. The two of you had always had a good relationship, being the ladies of the elven kingdoms, even if your roles were slightly different.
"Go talk to her, I can get your belongings down." Elrond offered, following your gaze, and you pressed a kiss to his cheek as a thank you before making your way through the crowd towards the other rulers of Middle Earth's elven kingdoms.

Galadriel and Celeborn had just stepped onto the ship as the sun had begun to set, and you turned around and sough your husband out from the small crowd still remaining on the pier. You spotted him standing at the edge of the stone-covered area, talking with an elderly hobbit before the two started to make their way towards the ship. You watched as Elrond walked the elderly hobbit towards the ship, but to your suprise he stopped in front of you, offering his hand, worn down by age.
"Bilbo Baggins." You smiled slightly, remembering the young hobbit that had visited your kingdom all those years ago, offering him your hand.
"Lady Y/N of Rivendell." You introduced yourself, and he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, surprising you.
"We must talk about the years passed if we get the time. You haven't changed at all, my lady." The hobbit stated, nodding politely.
"Of course, master Baggins, talk we shall." You smiled and watched as he allowed himself to be escorted into the ship by Lindir.

You sighed and followed your luggage with your eyes as an elf carried it aboard the ship you, too, were destined to step onto as well.
"Shall we, darling?" Elrond stepped next to you, offering you his elbow. You threaded your arm through and squeezed it tightly, pulling yourself as close to him as possible. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, brushing his nose along your cheekbone as he gently lead you towards the ship, letting you take your time to look at the port around you. The birds were flying around you, the small breeze in the air making the trees and reeds sway gently, the air carrying the scent of rain. You reached the plank and Elrond stepped on first, offering his hand to you. You released a sigh but grasped it and allowed him to lead you onto the boat

When your feet met the wooden deck, you released a breath you didn't know you had been holding. The deck felt solid under your feet, the boat swaying slightly but not enough to make you feel nauseous or make you lose your balance.
"Here we are," Elrond whispered into your ear, pulling you to look over the railing as the boat slowly floated out of the harbor and towards the open sea.
"Here we are," you repeated his words, pressing a brief kiss to his lips.
"Thank you for being patient with me."
"Always, my dear." His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you to his chest as you watched the land slide further and further away from you.

This was a struggle to write, as words seemed to refuse to come out of my brain when I got this idea but now that my motivation is back, I was able to finish this!
I think it turned out quite well.

Thank you so much for 15k reads on this book! I really appreciate you guys sticking with me even though I didn't post for quite a while.

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