Books and bumps - Aragorn

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Warnings: none, I think?
Word count: 1082
Other: I really have to write more about Aragorn, I'm so rusty when it comes to ficks about him...
Requested: FilmbookNerd

You run into Aragorn and he cannot get you out of his mind after that.

You hurried through the kingdom. Your visit to the library had taken you longer than you had thought it would, and now you were late. You bid farewell to the librarian, promising to return the books when you were finished with them. You slipped out of the heavy oak doors, squinting your eyes. The bright sunlight was hard on your eyes after the dim candles of the library, and the setting sun was low enough that it shone straight towards your eyes. You hurried to visit your room before you would have to attend to your duties. The three books pressed against your chest slowed you down as you continued to weave between the people that passed you, hastily greeting everyone back.

You almost dropped the book you were reading when you ran into somebody. You managed to catch yourself as you pressed the book against your chest, fearful that you would lose your spot. You lifted your eyes only to meet familiar grey ones.
"Estel, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."
"I noticed." He rubbed his forehead where the corner of your book had hit. At your horrified look, he shook his head, smiling.
"Don't look so frightened, it didn't hurt me that badly. I can just imagine what Elladan would say if he saw me wincing at something like that." You released a giggle, imagining the situation. The eldest of Lord Elrond's twins had taken it as his task to train his adopted brother, but that didn't mean the elf spared any punches.
"He would just tell me to walk it off. But honestly, I could be missing an arm and he would still probably tell me to walk it off." Estel muttered, and you giggled again.
"Don't let him hear you say that."

There was a silence between the two of you that Aragorn felt the need to fill.
"What are you up to?" The man asked, and you gestured to the books in your arms.
"Oh, I am just taking some reading to my room before I head to the kitchens to help with the cooking." Your explanation was short as you began to inch away, glancing upwards at the sun.
"Go, don't let me hold you up." Aragorn hurried to say, and you gave him a hasty smile before you disappeared to the stairs before he could release the breath he hadn't noticed he was holding.

- -

Aragorn couldn't get you out of his mind after he ran into you in the hallway. As the bump he had gotten from the corner of your book rose and sunk on his head, the thoughts of you made themselves present. He began noticing you around the kingdom. You seemed to pop up everywhere, it was almost like you were deliberately planning your daily schedule so you would cross his path at every turn. But every time he tried walking up to you to have a conversation, it seemed like you would disappear into thin air. It was frustrating, and he spent most of his free time trying to find you. He didn't know what drew him in towards you, but he had to talk to you and find out. It was like something he had to do to survive. Eat. Sleep. Talk to you. It seemed perfectly logical.

When the first chance to speak with you presented itself, he had already opened his mouth to greet you when someone stepped between you and him, cutting off his line of vision from you.
"Estel, if you are free I think we should work on your evasion tactics a bit more. Your offensive is developing nicely, but your defensive could definitely use some work." Elladan was standing in front of him, a brow raised as he waited for an answer.
"No!" The words just blurted out of his mouth before he could stop them, but as he peered past the elf, he saw that you were gone. Again.
"What is it?" Elladan asked, peering behind him too. Aragorn's shoulders slumped and he turned to face the elf again.
"Nothing, let's just go." The curiosity was clear in his expression but he thankfully chose not to comment.

He finally caught his chance to talk to you when he saw you slip through the doors of the library. He felt stupid for not realizing the obvious place you would disappear into. He had asked around about you for a bit, and most elves had said that you enjoyed reading beyond anything else. If you weren't in the kitchens, working, you could be found somewhere in the kingdom, reading.

But now that you were there, in front of him, curled into one of those plushy armchairs in the corner, the candle next to you lighting you up with a gentle light, he didn't know what to say. His head was brimming with possibilities, but when he cleared his throat and you lifted your eyes to his, they all disappeared. His head was completely empty and all he could come up with was

Sorry for not posting on my schedule in the past few days. I was at an university party now that the restrictions are slowly starting to lift here in Finland. It was the first "real" party after big C, so there were so many people that I hadn't met in so long and we talked for hours. I ended up staying to the very end of the party (4 am). I had a lecture that morning at 8, so I decided that an all-nighter would be a better option than sleeping, and I have to say it was. I slept 14hrs the following night, and I am almost back to normal now, a bit sleepier but that will sort itself out with more good nights.

But hey, I finished the first of three requests I still have in my line. I had some trouble in deciding how to end this one, that's why the ending isn't as good as I'd like it to be...

The other two requests are coming along, and I am planning on opening requests when I get them out! So stay tuned if you are interested in a request.

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