Blades of grass - Eomér

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Warnings: none, just flufffff
Word count: 1031
Other: -
Requested: nope

You sneak out of the city to find a moment of peace and quiet alone, but your husband follows you with the intention of taking you right back inside.

You stood in the middle of the plains, the grass under your bare feet cold and wet. You curled your toes up, feeling the grass move under you. The wind was blowing over the area gently, the warm air brushing against your bare arms and making goosebumps rise on your skin. The airflow made the blades of grass dance in the air, the small shuffle they gave filling your ears.

The dozens of stars in the sky were walking above you, their cold light the only thing that lit up your night, the moon such a thin slit that it barely gave any light into the dark, looming night. The torches of the city were far away as you let your eyes travel across the horizon, taking in the few wisps of cloud here and there, allowing the breeze to throw your hair around.

You laid yourself down onto the grass, the spot where you were laying slowly warming up with your body heat. You stare up at the stars above you, sighing happily as you close your eyes, allowing the silence of the environment to seep into your soul. It had been so long until you were able to enjoy the silence and just be with yourself.

You feel a presence close to you and you open your eyes to meet your husband's eyes has he is leaned over you, brows were drawn into a tight frown.
"What do you think you are doing?"
"Nothing." You answer truthfully, pushing yourself into a seated position to make the oncoming conversation easier.
"And do tell why are you doing "nothing" here, in the middle of nowhere, without any kind of protection with you?" His tone is worried and he grasps the hilt of his sword to correct its position on your hip.
"I have you." You respond gently, giving him a fleeting smile.
"But you didn't a minute ago. What would have you done if I was an orc?" His tone grew louder, and you shook your head.
"Do you honestly think that Frey would allow an orc to get so close without her reacting in any way? I was perfectly safe." You gesture towards your horse who is eating, her tail swinging in the air, her whole being so realized that there truly cannot be a threat within a mile of you.

Eomer realizes that he would not be able to win this argument, even if he has a point. He sits next to you on the grass, starting to pluck it to find something to do for his hands.
"What are you doing here?" You sigh as you lay back down, crossing your hands atop your stomach as you move your gaze back to the sky.
"I wanted silence." You answer honestly, but your answer doesn't seem to satisfy your husband.
"There is plenty of silence in Edoras in the nighttime. Why are you here?" His eyes are tightly on you, and you lift one of your hands up so that your forearm covers your eyes, so you cannot look at him.
"I just wanted to be alone. Truly alone, that no one would need me or my opinion for anything." Your heavy sigh rises into the air, and Eomer's fingers stop plucking the grass.
"I thought you were okay-" The worried tone in his voice makes you hurry to correct yourself, cutting him off.
"I am! I love being a queen, I love that I am able to help and serve the people that depend on me, but it is hard. I am not used to people depending on me, Eomer. I was a seamstress's assistant only a year ago, and now I am a queen. I know the change must have been hard on you too, but you were raised into it. You grew up with your uncle and the practices and rule of the higher-ups. Me? I grew up making yarn and weaving fabrics." You sigh heavily, the weight of the confession falling off your shoulders.

Eomer is silent for a while before he grasps your hands into his.
"Why didn't you tell me of this before?" His eyes are sad, and you return the squeeze he gives you, letting a smile rise onto your face.
"I didn't want to worry you. You have plenty of other things on your mind as it is, I didn't want to add to that. I was sure that the feeling would pass eventually." You confessed, tracing patterns on the back of his hands with his thumb.
"It makes me worry more knowing that you would not share something that was affecting your life so much." His tone was still saddened and you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Short and sweet, a smile playing on both your lips as your eyes met.
"I promise that next time I have such a problem I will come to you and I will not try and solve it on my own." He gave a nod and tried to pull you up from the ground. You resisted, tugging on his arm that was still holding your hand in its hold.
"Lay down with me." You gestured to the ground next to you, and after a moment of hesitation, he did, but not before unsheathing his sword and striking it to the ground where he could easily reach it.

He laid down next to you, allowing you to scoot closer to him so your head was resting at the crook of his arm, resting against it comfortably. He glanced at you with soft eyes, hearing the happy sigh and seeing the joy in your eyes as you lifted them to the stars above.

Just something I thought of while working on the requests. Some of them are giving me a bit of trouble, I have issues finding the words, but I am sure that they will start cooperating with me soon.

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