Blush - Eomer

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Warnings: an overbearing father and some threats, but nothing bigger
Word count: 1030
Other: -
Requested: nope

Eomer is beyond taken with you, but he cannot seem to be able to hold a conversation with you. Partly because being near you seems to turn his brain into a lump of useless pudding, but also because your father keeps a close eye on the people that spend time around you.

Eomer was a soldier who had seen and fought in many battles. But that didn't stop him from blushing deep red every time his eyes locked with yours across the busy road of Edoras. It wasn't his fault, you were too charming, too capturing, too... flawless. Perfect. How could he not turn into a bumbling idiot when your roads met? You gave him a smile and a small wave in his direction, and he felt like he had stepped into a warm patch of sun, the brightness of your smile warming him from the inside out.

But he had to avert his gaze when your father stepped out of the house the two of you shared together. After the death of your mother and your brothers each finding their own partners in life, the family living inside had shrunken to the size of two. Eomer knew it was troubling you, as days passed and you were still stuck in the house that was slowly falling apart around you, but you couldn't just leave.

Eomer and his fellow soldiers knew that they had to be careful when approaching you, as your father, the city's trusted weapons master, would be fast to chase them away. He seemed to think that no one was good enough for you, and even years after, you remained unmarried and people could see it was affecting you. You were still your own, happy self, but a part of you was missing something. You had tried taking the matter up with your father, but it was clear that he was having none of it, and you gave up trying fairly quickly, after receiving only a cold shoulder as an answer.

"What are you up to now?" Eomer jumped when Eowyn appeared by his side, having been too entranced by you to notice his sister's arrival. Eowyn followed his brother's line of sight and saw it land on you, as well as the faint blush dusting his cheeks.
"Why are you standing there like a bumbling idiot? Go talk to her." Eowyn ushered her brother, only to receive a stern look in return.
"You know full well that I can't as I do not want an ax stuck in my skull, thank you very much." Eowyn rolled her eyes.
"Then you should stop gaping at her, as he is bound to notice eventually. But if you haven't already noticed, brother dear, you are the future king, I don't think he has the gall to chase you away."
"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Eomer responded, sighing as you closed the door to your house behind you after throwing a longing look towards the hills beyond the walls of Edoras. He trudged back inside, sighing deeply. Eowyn was done with his brother sulking around, and decided to do something about it, as he clearly was not going to.

- - -

"Eomer." Insistent poking stirred him out of his slumber, and he grumbled, wrapping himself tighter into the blankets.
"Go away. I'm sleeping." He muttered, squeezing his eyes closed tighter, trying to will his sister away so he could go back to the dream he had been having. It had been so nice.
"Get up!" Eowyn, however, was having none of it and continued to torment him.
"Eowyn, leave me be."
"Get up, you oaf!" With that, the covers were stolen, and he sat up abruptly to glare at his sister.
"What are-"
"Get up and get dressed, I haven't been planning this for a week only for you to sleep past all the plans I have made," Eowyn stated matter-of-factly, giving his brother a sharp look when he looked like he was going to sink back into the mattress.
"Plans?" Eomer was still half-asleep but pulled a shirt over his head when it landed on his face.
"Y/N will meet you at the stables when the moon is at its highest. You have to hurry."
"What- How-?"
"No time to explain, up you get." With a smack of a pillow against his face, Eowyn left the room, leaving a stunned Eomer behind.

In record time, Eomer had dressed and brushed his hair. He hurried towards the stables, passing his sister in the hallway as she gave him a cheeky smile before she disappeared. As he approached the stable, he noticed a few scraggly flowers at the edge of the road that had not been eaten by the horses by some miracle. He made quick work on picking a few of them, hoping that he had something better. But he would have to make do.

You were standing in front of the stables, the breeze in the air making your hair move around you. The warm glow of the lanterns inside shone a warm glow on your skin, making you look ethereal. Eomer cleared his throat, nervous, the reality that this was actually happening slowly starting to sink in. You turned to him and gave him a bright smile that seemed to melt his knees and he returned the smile, hoping the low light would hide the blush rising to his cheeks.
"T-These are for you." Eomer cursed his voice for breaking at the beginning of the sentence, but you didn't seem to notice and accepted the flowers with a gentle smile. You picked out the largest blooms and plucked them off their stems, tucking them into your hair as you fed the rest to the horse that was peeking over their stall, curious as to what was going on.

The two of you headed into the hills, your way lit by the setting sun. Conversation flowed easily, and everything seemed perfect. There was no worry for the future, and neither of you wanted the moment to end.

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