Rearrange - Boromir

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Warnings: Muscle pains, if that does count as a warning. Pregnancy. 
Word count: 1201 
Other: - 
Requested: nope

Your and Boromir's first child will be entering the world soon, and the preparations for the newcomer need to be finished before they decide to arrive. 

The heavy piece of furniture gave a shriek as Boromir pushed it more towards the wall. You lifted your head and clicked your tongue. 
"Could you move it there, it may look better next to the settee?" You asked, gesturing towards the heavy drawer that the two men had been lugging around the room for a while now. Faramir sighed but Boromir was quiet and just picked up the other end of the piece of furniture and hoisted it up with his brother. They slowly inched it towards the spot you had pointed to, all the while you pondered between the curtains, your hand resting on your swollen abdomen. The baby nursery had been painted just the passing week, and it was now ready for furniture, hence why they were lugging the heavy dresser around. 

The crib had found its spot at the end of the room, hidden from the straight sunlight that streamed through the window. You had already filled it with sheets and plushes, organized into a delicate order neither Boromir nor Faramir dared to disturb. They placed the dresser down with a dull 'thunk', and it made your focus shift from the curtains back towards the room. You took an appraising look at everything, seeing how it all looked together and nodded. Faramir's shoulders fell with relief as he straightened his back with a groan. 

Boromir, on the other hand, walked to you and pressed a kiss to your temple as you lifted up the curtains you were pondering.
"What do you think?" You asked, turning your gaze towards your husband. 
"I think whatever you choose will be perfect." You huffed and shook your head.
"You're no help." With another quick look at the opinions strewn around the floor, you nodded as you settled for the one in your hand.
"I think these will do." You stood up from the floor and began to walk towards the window, only to be stopped by a pair of overprotective brothers.
"What do you think you are doing?" Boromir demanded gently, trying to take the curtains from your hold, but you moved them away so he couldn't grasp them.
"Hanging the curtains up?" You answered hesitantly, gesturing towards the window with your empty hand.
"We'll do it," Faramir promised immediately, and you rolled your eyes.
"I am pregnant but I am not helpless, I can hang the curtains just fine." You tried insisting, but it was for nothing. Faramir quickly plucked the fabric from your grasp and set to hanging it up, leaving you standing in the middle of the room, idle and annoyed. 

Boromir noticed your look of annoyance and walked to you, setting his hands on your shoulders. 
"Why don't you head to bed? There is little to be left done today and the sun is already setting. I will join you shortly." He assured gently, and you opened your mouth to disagree but decided against it. The baby had kept you up for most of last night with well-aimed kicks to your ribs, so you could definitely use a bit of extra sleep if you managed to get any, that is. 
"Alright." You myöntyä, leaning up to give him a kiss and hugging Faramir on your way out, you set on your way to your shared bedroom that was still on the other side of the kingdom. You would only move to your new rooms when the baby would arrive.

- - -

You walked in just in time to see Boromir stretch his back and grimace in pain.
"Something wrong?" You asked, worry in your tone as you stepped closer, brushing your hand along his bare shoulder. 
"Nothing is wrong, my shoulders are just stiff from all that lifting." Your brows drew into a frown as you set your hands onto his shoulders and began to rub slightly, feeling the muscles moving underneath his skin. He relaxed slowly, letting your work, only tensing when your hands started to work another knot open after opening the previous one. 

There was a long silence as you continued to work on his shoulders, opening one knot after another, the only sounds in the room were your breathing and the small huffs Boromir let out every now and then. The bed you were sitting on creaked every time he shifted his weight, and you made a mental note to ask Boromir to check that it was not falling apart. That was the last thing you needed, your bed falling apart from under you when everything in your body ached anyway. 

Boromir winced as your fingers dug into a particularly stubborn knot, and you felt a pang of guilt for his pain. 
"I am sorry that I made you carry all of the things, I could have-" He cut you off before you could even finish your sentence, having expected it. He knew that you would blame yourself for his pain, and he was ready to assure you otherwise. 
"No, darling, I am happy to carry everything that you need me to because you are carrying the most important thing of them all." His tone was gentle and so filled with love that you felt like something warm had been poured over you, warming you from your head to your toes, reaching every crevice. 
"Sap." You gently accused him as he turned around and placed a kiss on your stomach, rubbing the skin, tracing gentle patterns. 

The child inside reacted to his touch and started kicking, making you groan under your breath and shift so you were leaning against Boromir's shoulder. 
"They're getting stronger every day." 
"I know." You muttered, rubbing the spot where the child had delivered a particularly hard kick. Boromir noticed this and helped you lay down onto the bed, finding you pillows and tucking them wherever you seemed to need the extra support. Only when he deemed that you were comfortable enough did he lean closer to your belly, speaking to the child inside.
"Now, you take it easy on your momma, you hear me? I don't want you hurting her. We can't wait to meet you, your momma, and I, we are so excited." You closed your eyes and listened to his voice, feeling his breath on the bare skin of your stomach.
"There is so much I want you to see when you grow up. I will teach you everything, every spot in the kingdom, every tree in the surrounding forests. I will teach you to swordfight and how to shoot a bow..." The child settled slowly as Boromir kept talking. Sleep began to weigh on you, and you fought it for a moment before surrendering to its welcoming embrace, still listening to the voice of your husband as he spoke to your unborn child. 

I really liked writing this one! It didn't take me long to finish this, which gives me hope regarding my writing as I am still somewhat stiff with my writing after coming back from my break(s). 

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