Colors - Fili

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Warnings: none, I think? Just fluff. 
Word count: 2150 
Other: Soulmate!AU. You can only see color after you have touched your soulmate. 
Requested: TommyTouter

A charming customer steals your attention completely, and his repeated returns only deepen the connection that seems to be brewing between the two of you.

You peeked out of the stall your family held in Dale. You had settled there after your father had decided it would be best for you to try if you could make your business thrive in the area before you would settle into Erebor. He couldn't have predicted how well the business would take off, and now there were so many orders that all of you could barely keep up. Your father made furniture, and the people of Dale were enchanted by their intricate designs and sturdy make, and the upholstery your mother made had the ladies of the town planning a full remodeling of their bedrooms or living rooms. You helped where you were needed, carving the designs onto the wood, dying fabric, sewing, or delivering the orders to customers, or taking new ones at the window of the shop, where you were now. It was the job you did the most, as it didn't require you to see color. Your world was still black and white, no matter how your mother urged you to go out and meet some people so you could maybe find your soulmate. You had just shaken your head at her and returned to your job.

This time, your customer was a young lady who could not stop swooning over the set of armchairs she had seen someone pick up yesterday, and she was begging you to take her order.
"A pair would fit perfectly into my new room! Don't you think so, father?" She chirped towards the man on his side, who just nodded, smiling at the lively woman on his arm. They seemed like such a nice family, with the small boy peering curiously over the counter, you could not help but be swayed.
"I am turning eighteen and father promised that he would make over my new room as a present, isn't that wonderous!" She was shivering with excitement, and you could see that they clearly had money and would pay just about anything for the order. A bit of a toxic way of thinking, but you were raised to be a businesswoman.
"I am sure we will fit you into the line somewhere. I will have to ask my father, but I will leave you some samples of wood so you can start thinking of what you may choose." You smiled politely before you disappeared into the back room where your father resided, as always. If he wasn't sleeping or eating (your mother insisted that you would sit around the table for dinner), he was there.
"Father, the Ambersons are interested in ordering a few armchairs, do you think they will fit in the line? They were thinking white oak." Your father raised his head from his work when he heard the name of the more expensive material, and gave you a nod.
"Remember to take their information and inform them of when they might be able to pick them up. I'll say around three weeks. The advance for this kind of wood is one hundred pieces of gold." You had already left the room but hollered over your shoulder that you understood and would collect it as you took the order.

Your previous clients had just disappeared into the crowd after signing their order and paying the advance, and you took in a deep breath, aiming to sit down for a moment after being on your feet all day. The universe had different ideas, and your next customers appeared onto the desk before you could even glance in the direction of your chair.
"Our mother has been complaining that her back hurts after knitting and we thought that maybe a new chair would be best, as she is not very young anymore." The man or rather dwarf stated his needs directly, and you appreciated it. There was no use in going around things when you could just say it out loud. But he could have definitely been more respectful in his phrasing, and you huffed as you turned to face them fully.
"Not a very nice thing to say about your mother." You pointed out, noticing the smile the other give a nudge at your words. They were clearly brothers, judging by their body language, even if they looked nothing alike. One had dark hair and dark eyes, while the other donned a head full of lighter hair and a handsome face.

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