Crowned - Elrond

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Warnings: just family fluff
Word count: 782 (It is a little shorter than I usually prefer to publish but I didn't want to force myself to write any more when I deemed it finished)
Other: Cursive is elvish.
Requested: nope. This idea has been bouncing around in my brain for a while and only now have I finally managed to get it out and into words.

Aragorn is crowned king and you are there to watch, of course. He might not be yours by blood, but you still raised him, he is your son. And as things may turn out, he may be family in the more traditional sense soon, as well.

A small smile played on your lips as you watched your adopted son get crowned the king of Gondor, taking his rightful place on the throne. He had not wanted it growing up, very adamant that ruling was not what he wanted from his life. You knew that he would grow up to be a good man regardless of what he would turn out to be, and you had been right. He was a good man and you were sure that he would be an excellent king, one that the people of Gondor deserved.

The crown was pressed upon his head, and he turned around, the people around you cheering for their king, knowing that bad years were now behind them, that the time of the king had come again.
"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together build this world that we may share in the days of peace." You clapped along with the people of Gondor as your son finished, descending down the stairs towards the crowd, his people. He stood still as the crowd applauded and cheered, the sound thundering in the clearing, bouncing off the stone buildings and escaping into the clear blue sky.

You could feel Arwen shaking by your side as Aragorn walked closer, and you moved a few hairs that had escaped from her hairdo behind her year.
"Breathe, my darling." You assured her, brushing your hand along her shoulder. She took a breath in, the air stuttering as she sucked it in.
"Do you think he will be happy to see me?" She asked in a whisper, speaking elvish so the people around wouldn't understand even if they heard.
"Of course he will, the man much in love with you as you are with him. And you love him?"
"More than anything, naneth."
"Then you have nothing to worry about." You assured her, brushing her hair behind her back and placing the delicate silvery chains decorating her temples into better order.

You took the pennant of Gondor your daughter was holding as Aragorn reached your positions, and Arwen didn't waste a moment to storm into the arms of her lover. You pressed your hand on your heart as the lovers embraced each other tightly after being apart for so long.

You wiped a tear off the corner of your eye to keep it running down your cheek, and your husband encased your hand into the palm of his hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
"I do wish those are happy tears, hervess nín (my wife)." You gave him a smile and turned around enough so you could press a kiss on his cheek.
"Of course they are, why would I be sad at a moment like this?" You gave a happy sigh, leaning back against his chest. Arms slid along your waist to meet atop your stomach, and he trailed patterns there. The bump was too small to show to anyone when it was covered, but you and Elrond both knew. His chin came to rest on your shoulder, his lips brushing your cheek in a gentle kiss.
"When are you thinking we tell them?" Your husband asked, turning his head towards his children, of blood and not.
"I don't know, but not today. Today is their day. We can wait."
"Of course we can, my darling." He pressed another kiss to your cheek, followed by a deep kiss onto your lips, filled with love and the same happiness that you were feeling.

The petals of the White Tree of Gondor floated around you, the tree returning to life now that there was a king on their rightful place at the throne. You watched as the two moved along the crowd, greeting people and receiving congratulations as they went.

This idea has been rolling around in my brain forever! Hopefully, now I have a bit more room for new ideas of my own, even though I have plenty to write and finish now that I took a bunch of requests in.

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