Sail - Bilbo

869 32 7

Warnings: none, I think?
Word count: 1109
Other: I took a lot of creative liberties while writing this one but oh well, it's done now.
Requested: nope

Even half blind, you can see the future you are heading to, after boarding the elven ship, is a bright one. What you don't expect, is to meet some old friends.

As the carriage continues its way towards the harbor, you rest your head on your husband's shoulder. You're tired, so tired, but you know there will be rest ahead soon. You let your hand squeeze Frodo's tighter only for a moment, and he smiles, brushing a tuft of hair from your face. You open your eyes to see the faint figure of him, your eyes hazy with age. A small smile brushes your face as you let your eyes slip closed again, listening to the heartbeat of your husband.

Your heart aches as you let the hobbits you helped raise gather around you, squeezing you into a tight hug. You hear their sniffles and wish you could wipe the tears off their face, but you cannot. So you just squeeze them tighter and whisper your love to them, assuming that they will be alright.
"Don't grieve for us. We're going on our next adventure. Now it's time for you to live yours." Your words cause them to sniffle, and

You turn towards the ship and allow yourself to be escorted aboard by an elf who patiently waits for you. Bilbo is already on the deck, his hand coming to guide you to lean against the reel of the ship, face towards the setting sun, the last rays warm on your face.

You can hear Frodo making his goodbyes, the faint exclamations of shock and disagreement when they realize Frodo will be leaving too. You know they are crying again, and it takes everything in you not to limp off the board to console them.

- - -

As the ships slid along the smooth waters and into the thick fog, you could feel the stiffness lifting from your limbs, the haziness clearing from your eyes. It was like the moisture was slowly seeping into your being and washing away the traces of your age. You looked to your left and saw that Bilbo reminded you more and more of his younger self by the minute, and judging by the look he was giving you, so did you.

You blink tears out of your eyes as you are able to see him again, after so many years of haziness, and you allow yourself to be pulled into a tight embrace, your face is peppered with kisses.
"You are just as handsome as I remember you to be." You mutter against his neck, afraid to lift your head from his chest, fearing that this is a dream, that your mind is just playing a cruel trick on you.

- - -

You fiddled with your fingers as the harbor slid closer, the white stone of the buildings in the distance were reflecting the light of the setting sun. The elves standing around you were becoming restless, their movements turning hasty and they wouldn't stop pacing the deck of the ship. But you couldn't blame them, they were about to see some of their loved ones after centuries. You were nervous because you couldn't know what to expect when you reached the shore.

The ship met the dock with a soft thud, and the elves who were on land hurried to attach it. The elves began slowly making their way off the ship, jumping off the side to see the family they had not seen in millennia, their age long forgotten. Even though you had grown younger on the journey, you had not grown any taller. Your eyes could barely see over the sides of the ship, jumping over them was an impossible feat. Luckily, Elrond had realized your conundrum, and a plank had been arranged so you could get off the board without acrobatics.

When your feet hit the green grass after the journey on the sea, you felt like singing. You wanted to lay down and just take in the softness, the earthy, crisp smell, the color that seemed impossibly green.

You sat with Legolas as you watched the commotion around you. Gimli gas disappeared after spotting his father in the crowd, having lost him suddenly a while back and not being able to say goodbye. You heard Legolas sigh next to you, his foot tapping the grass as he let his eyes dart around. You didn't know why he was so nervous, but you didn't have time to think about it when you heard your name being called.

You bid goodbye to Legolas with a smile and set to walk towards the voice of your husband. Just as your eyes landed on him and you spotted someone standing next to him, you were almost knocked down onto the ground when someone tackled you into a violent hug.
"We missed you so much, Lady Baggins." You gasped for breath in the hug as you recognized who the brown hair belonged.
"Kili?" You wheezed out. Luckily, another voice pierced the air.
"Kili, let her breathe." You were set back on your feet and sucked in a few greedy breaths of air while smiling brightly, though stunned.
"Thorin?" You turned, and low and behold, the dwarven king was standing next to your husband.
"Don't forget me!" You heard another voice chime and you didn't have to look far to find the owner of it. Fili was smiling just as wide as his brother as he took in your form.
"You haven't aged a day." Thorin pulled you into a tight hug as you let out a laugh.
"Oh, I have." You assured him, letting the feeling of guilt wash over you and either away. You still thought you should have been able to save them.

"So, no kids?" Kili asked, earning a slap to the back of his head from Thorin. You were glad to see not much had changed.
"We have Frodo, Bilbo's nephew". Your face held a sad smile as you thought about the circumstances of him joining your family.
"Tell us everything." Kili sat down on the grass and looked at the two of you expectantly. Bilbo and you shared a look before sitting down.
"In a hole in the ground, lived a hobbit..."

Sorry about not posting in my scedule. I got the last two of my wisdom teeth pulled (I HD all four, yay), so I've been a bit loopy from the pain meds and I have a small flu going on as well.

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