Un-agile - Legolas

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Warnings: Legolas is a bit of a flirt, embarrassment
Word count: 2099 
Other: - 
Requested: nope 

You and the company are captured by the Mirkwood elves, and Legolas is beyond taken with you.

You almost tripped when your foot caught on a root, but you managed to catch yourself before you fell into the moss and pine needle-covered ground.
"I thought elves had more grace than that." Kili's teasing voice sounded from behind you, and you gave him a look over your shoulder.
"I am only half-elven, as you well know, Kili." You remarked sharply, but a smile was playing on your lips the whole time. You corrected the position of your bow and quiver on your shoulder as they had slipped down with your stumble. You didn't like this forest one bit, it was far too glum and the air was far too heavy for your liking. You missed the fresh smell of the forest of Lothlorien, the light and color that the Mallorn trees gave to the forest. 

Bilbo climbed a tree to get a better idea of which way your group was supposed to go, but the moment he had disappeared between the branches, you were ambushed. The largest spiders you had ever seen surrounded your small group, attacking you out of the cover of the dark forest. Everyone drew their weapons, trying to fend off the spiders, but it became increasingly obvious that you were outnumbered. 

You cried out in pain and suprise when your legs were suddenly pulled from under you. The impact knocked the air out of you, and the dwarves were too engrossed in their own fights that they didn't notice that you were in trouble. A spider had gotten a hold of your calf and was now trying to haul you towards the darkness of your forest. You were disoriented from the spider dragging you along the forest floor, and the air was just starting to return to your lungs. You tried your best to find purchase on the forest ground, your fingers digging deep, but all you got was a handful of pine needles and dead leaves. As a last resort, you pulled your dagger out of your boot, and swung it blindly, hoping to hit any part of the spider and make it let go of you. Your plan worked, and the spider dropped you, making you hit the ground with a thud. 

You twirled the knife in your hand, ready to deliver the killing blow, but someone beat you to it. An arrow was embedded in the spider's head before you could react. You were about to yell out your thanks to Kili but realized that the arrow was not one of his. It was elven. The forces of Mirkwood worked fast magic of the spiders before they turned their attention to the company. The dwarves lifted their weapons, ready to fight, but it was soon made clear that they didn't stand a chance as there were at least a dozen arrows pointed in their direction. They would be dead before they would get one swing in. 

You didn't bother reaching for your weapons and instead tried brushing most of the dirt off your clothing. You had met King Thranduil briefly before, you had delivered some documents to Lady Galadriel in a meeting he was present in. He wasn't the most welcoming presence, and you were nervous as you would probably be brought in front of him. The elves started collecting the weapons of your traveling companions, seemingly saving you for last as they probably saw you as the smallest threat. You didn't know whether to be insulted or grateful so you just decided to stand still and quiet. The dwarves were being tied up when someone finally came to you. 

He was an ellon with long, blonde hair, and he extended his hand for your weapons. You handed him the dagger from your boot, as well as the daggers you carried on your hips before carefully removing our archery equipment from your back. 
"I have never had the pleasure of meeting you before. Where are you from?" Legolas gave you a smile as you handed him your bow and quiver, and he inspected them with interest.
"I grew up in Lothlorien. I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself, offering him your hand. You knew he was your captor and that you should hate him, but curiosity won. You had met only a few elves from outside of Lothlorien, and you were enthusiastic to know more. The ellon was also devastatingly handsome, but that was beside the point.
"Y/N of Lothlorien. I am Legolas." To your great suprise, the elf didn't shake your hand like you thought he would. Instead, he grasped it gently with his and pressed a kiss on your knuckles. You blushed deep red, the color creeping up all the way to your ears. You desperately tried to mask it by brushing your hair over them, but Legolas wasn't buying it. He had the audacity to wink at you, and you blushed even deeper red, if possible, and tried to avoid the eyes of the dwarves the best you could. 

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