Sound of safety - Haldir

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Warnings: none!
Word count: 1015
Other: -
Requested: MeiMeiLCXY

Not a stranger to injury, Haldir is used to hearing your song when he visits the healing ward.

Your song was something the people of Lothlorien had grown used to when they were in the healing ward. You weren't a healer in the traditional sense, but you knew more about herbs than anyone, so your days were spent in the healing ward to help prep and prepare the herbs and salves for healing. And you did so while singing. It was comforting to fall asleep to, the familiarity reminding them that they are home. It is the sound of safety to many.

If someone was having a hard time falling asleep because of their pain, and you noticed, you would sit at the edge of their bed and sing until they were asleep. It did not matter to you how long it took, even if you had to sit the whole night there, singing softly. You did it because you considered it your duty.

So, when one night they didn't hear you singing, they grew worried. The healers tried assuring them that you were just resting and would be there later. Most of them settled down and slowly fell asleep, but Haldir didn't. He was filled with such worry for you that he couldn't sleep, horrendous images of you being devoured by all kinds of beasts plaguing his mind. So he stood up slowly from his bed, ignoring the tugging in the stitches by his side. They had been healing for a few days now, they would hold. Hopefully.

He slowly limped towards the curtains that were pulled in front of the corner you worked and resided on your free time. As he approached, the smell of herbs grew stronger and stronger. The herbs that were tightly tied into bundles so they would dry properly, hanging on top of the curtain where the airflow kept them from spoiling.

When he hesitantly moved the curtain out of his way, he didn't see you sitting by your desk, grounding or preparing herbs. You were laying down in your bed, which would have been normal, as it was the middle of the night, but you always insisted that herbs worked the best when they were prepared at midnight. So you would sleep the early evening and continue when you had deemed your work finished, you wouldn't let this time go to waste.
"Y/n?" Haldir's voice was hesitant as he peered inside, and he saw you moving on the bed.
"Haldir? What are you doing up?" Your voice was hoarse and he heard you lighting a match before it struck fire and you lifted it to the candle by your bedside. The flickering light filled the room and Haldir was able to see your face. You were pale, and he slipped inside hesitantly, not sure if he could approach.

His insides grew cold when he saw the bandages covering your chest. They started from your left shoulder and covered your chest all the way to your waist.
"W-What happened?" He asked as he hurried to your bedside, his hesitance long forgotten.
"One of the guards was so delirious from blood loss from his wound that he didn't know what he was doing. And someone forgot to check their ankle for weapons." You explained and grimaced when you tried to sit up more. Haldir felt his heart tighten and his eyes grew cold. You noticed the look change in his eyes and set your hand atop of his.
"And no, I will not share his name with you. He didn't mean it, it was not his fault." Haldir opened his mouth to argue but knew that it was  futile when he saw the look in your eyes. You would not share the name of the elf, he was your patient and you did not blame him.

"How is the forest?" Your tone tells him that you don't want to talk about your injury any more.
"Autumn is beginning, the Mallorn are starting to chance color. It won't be long until the whole forest looks like it's on fire. You sigh deeply, and Haldir smiles, knowing that autumn and the fiery colored leaves it brings are your favourite time of the year.
"I am sure you will be able to get out of bed before the snow falls." He assured you, and you roll your eyes.
"If the other healers won't let me, I'll go out on my own. I simply cannot sit here when the beauty is out there, just out of my eyesight.

A horn sounded and Haldir sighed, knowing that he was needed in patrol. You noticed the change in his demeanor and gave his hand a squeeze.
"Don't look so forlorn. Go, they need you." The hesitant look in his eye made you laugh.
"Go. I'll be here if you need me. Where would I go?" Haldir's playful glare causes your grin to widen even further but he stands and bids you goodbye. You sigh as the door closes after him, sinking deeper into the pillows while your wound throbs.

As you continue to heal for the following few weeks, Haldir keeps visiting you when he has the time. Unfortunately, it is rare, as orc sighting have increased as the air grows colder. But you know he visits you in addition to the times he comes for a chat when you are awake. You know he has visited when there is a neat bunch of autumn leaves in a vase next to your bed.

I really had trouble with this before I went on my break, but now that I returned the idea just presented itself and I went with it.
I had to include the autumn colours because it is so beautiful here in Finland right now, as ruska colors the trees. (Ruska is a finnish word, it doesn't have a direct translation into English, but it means the process of leaves turning yellow and the colours the trees have. One of my favourite Finnish words!)

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