Not a joke - Kili

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Warnings: self-doubt, thoughts of unworthiness
Word count: 1093
Other: -
Requested: no

Kili is enamored with you, but you cannot see why. Being a servant, you think there is someone better for him, but he disagrees and isn't afraid to show it.

You wrung the rag dry above the bucket before dropping it to the floor, resuming to scrub the particularly stubborn stain off the floor. You didn't know what it was, but it was clear that it wasn't normal mud, because that left the floor easily. This didn't. You shifted your position so you could use more force, leaning nearly all your body weight on your arms as you scrubbed, hoping that it would help the stain come off the floor. It worked, but slowly, and you were panting in no time as the stain took its sweet time leaving the floor.

When you finally finished with the spot, you were sweaty and panting, wiping the sheen of sweat off your forehead. You didn't have time to rest, however, as you had to continue cleaning, and another stain caught your attention immediately. Just as you moved your attention to it, the wet rag hitting the floor with a splat, someone cleared their throat behind you. You just assumed you were in their way, so you pulled your bucket closer, shifting your position so they would be able to pass, but they didn't move.
"Excuse me." The voice caused you to lift your head from your work.
"Can I just say you look particularly beautiful today?" The sun was shining in from the window behind the figure, making it impossible to see the face of the newcomer, but you would recognize those boots anywhere. You had spent hours cleaning after those boots. Prince Kili.

You were stunned into silence for a moment, and when you answered, your voice was not much louder than a whisper.
"It is not appropriate to kid about such things." Your, response was simple as you tried to keep your voice level and the tears pooling into your eyes a secret. You were a servant, and such compliments were meant for ladies, not for you. It stung that Kili had deemed it necessary to jest with you in such way.

There was a short silence that followed your words, and you almost resumed your work before Kili spoke again.
"I am not kidding." He sounded confused, stepping closer. You threw your rag at him, anger flaring inside you.
"I don't believe you!" You snapped, standing up to retrieve the rag where it had landed, walking around the brothers, refusing to meet their eyes.
"What can I do to convince you that I am not joking? What can I do to convince you that I actually find you to be the most beautiful dwarrodam in the mountain?"
"Shout it to the sky." You were only paying attention partly now and continued scrubbing the floor, wanting to finish so you could eat. Their receding footsteps told you that they had finally left, and you wiped the few escaped tears that you had managed to hide off your face.

You had just finished washing the floor when a shout sounded from the higher level of the kingdom. You had almost forgotten the hurt about the encounter by now.
"Y/N IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DWARRODAM IN THE MOUNTAIN." All eyes turned to you, and you flushed so deep red that a tomato would have been envious. You couldn't blame him, you had suggested it, but you would have never guessed that he would actually do it. You didn't know what to feel, a part of you deeply humiliated and part of you confused. You hastily dropped the rag into the bucket and picked them up, hurrying towards your room, thanking Aule that you had finished your duties for the day. You couldn't wait to reach the coolness of your chambers and to forget all about this very hot and very confusing day.

But your day wasn't over yet. You had washed the sweat off and changed into clean clothes, just lounging on your bed when there was a knock on the door. Sighing, you placed your book down, rising to open the door, disregarding the aching in your muscles. You hoped that it was not the head of the servants, asking you to do more today. Your wish was granted, but you would have preferred it to be her, to be honest. Prince Kili was standing there, a comically large bouquet of flowers in his hands, a bright smile on his face, or at least judging by the sliver of it you were able to see from behind the flowers.
"P-Prince Kili, w-what is this?" You were beyond confused, still trying to understand why he was there. Was he lost?

"These are for you." He handed the flowers towards you, but you didn't take them as you continued to stare at him. Sighing, Kili closed the door of your room behind him. He set the flowers down on your dresser and turned to you.
"You truly cannot see it? I am in love with you. I have been, for a long time." His brown eyes were soft, but you turned away.
"N-No, you cannot be, I-" You didn't know what to say. You were a commoner, a servant. He couldn't be in love with you, you were nothing.
"I can be and I am." His voice was firm now, making you raise your head so you could meet his eyes.
"No buts. I - am - in - love - with - you." He repeated slowly, pronouncing every word clearly as he slowly inched closer.
"O-Okay." You didn't what else to say, the shock welling inside of you.
"Okay? That is all you can say after I opened my heart to you?" Kili's voice was slightly shocked but he was smiling.
"I am still working on trying to wrap my head around the fact that the dwarf that I have been crushing on for years and whom I thought I never would have, loves me back. So I apologize if my responses are a little stunted." You responded, propping your hands on your waist. Kili let out a laugh, pressing a kiss to your cheek, making you blush deep red again.
"Take all the time you need. I'll be here."

My roommate and I are planning a Hobbit and Lord of the Rings marathon for the weekend! Gonna bake some theme appropriate treats tomorrow.
Hopefully I'll get new ideas for my writing!

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