Stab in the back - Legolas

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Warnings: exploitation of person because of their status by an assbutt of an elf, protective Legolas
Word count: 1067
Other: Gender-neutral reader!
Requested: TommyTouter

You are one of the most liked elves in the kingdom, always ready to help anyone with anything. What happens when one of the elves decides that he does not like you anymore and makes a scene in front of a large crowd and your very loving fiancé?

The elves of Mirkwood stood still, shocked as you continued to stare into the eyes of Ailas, the elf you had considered a friend until a moment ago.
"Is that truly what you think of me?" Your voice was shaking as you continued to stare him down, forcing the tears to stay at bay. You would not give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
"Of course. DO you honestly think I was friends with you for any other reason? I just wanted the power that your presence granted me. And now, I have no longer use for it, or you. I got what I wanted, so you are useless now." The words rang in your head in an infinite loop, like you were standing in the middle of an endless cave. You felt the world start to spin around you, trying to swallow back the bad taste that was gathering into your mouth. You could no longer tell what was going on, you were too confused and hurt. What had you done wrong to make him say things like this?

"What is going on here?!" Legolas had arrived, and by the looks of it, he wasn't happy. Your emotions finally got the better of you, and a sob escaped you, forcing you to turn your back to the elf. You stormed past the elves gathered around to witness the occurrence. Some of them tried to comfort you, some expressed their disgust towards the stunt he had pulled, but you weren't listening. You couldn't, your hands were clasped in front of your face as you sobbed, Legolas's eyes growing cold as he glared at the elf before storming after you.
"Y/N, wait!" He called, but you didn't slow down or acknowledge him in any way, you just kept going, deeper and deeper into the kingdom. The elves standing around were left muttering among themselves. What on earth had possessed Ailas to spew out such words? You were the nicest elf there was in the kingdom, you wouldn't hurt a fly, always ready to help.

Legolas chased you through the kingdom, waving through the elves that came across his path, apologizing as he went. You were heading deep into the kingdom's heart. But even when Legolas lost sight of you, he knew where you were heading.

He found you there, curled up on yourself, your hands around your knees and your shoulders shaking from the power of your sobs.
"Ah, hiril nín. (Oh, my sweet.)" He cooed, wrapping his arms around you. You shifted to rest your forehead against his shoulder and resumed sobbing there, your tears wetting the fabric of his coat as you clung to him.
"What did I do wrong?" You sobbed against his chest as your hold tightened on him, and he squeezed you tighter in his arms.
"You did not do anything wrong, my love. He is the one in the wrong and I will make sure that he will be held accountable for his actions, don't you worry."

- - -

It took Legolas hours to calm you down, and when you finally did, you were so exhausted from crying that you fell asleep. He gently carried you up to your shared room, tucked you into the bed, and pulled the covers over you. He pressed a faint kiss onto your temple before he rose and exited the room, the elf that had insulted you now as his next target.

Legolas lifted the man on the wall by his collar, not bothering to cover the anger brewing inside of him.
"Do you think it's funny to make fun of the people that trust you?" He growled, tightening his hold, ignoring the way the man was trying to kick him in his shins.
"N-No, I-"
"Save it. I don't care what you were thinking." Legolas inched his face closer, so close that they could feel each other's breath on their skins.
"If you ever come near Y/N again, I will make sure you never breathe a breath of free air again." Legolas hissed before he dropped the man unceremoniously to the ground, and watched him scamper away. He shook his head before heading back to your shared bedroom, yearning for sleep himself.

Hurrying through the kingdom, he gave out the last orders and organized the few patrols for the night as he walked. The people seemed to understand that he was in a hurry, and only bothered him with things that could not wait in the morning, or promised that they would sort things out by themselves. Those people earned thankful nods from him as he passed. He quietly cracked the door open and slipped out of his clothes which were covered in leaves and sprinkles of mud from the patrols he had taken in the forest today. He laid them down for the maids to pick up for laundry when they came to tidy up the room before shuffling into the bed. He carefully lifted the sheets as he slipped under them, not wanting to disturb your slumber.

He didn't quite succeed as you stirred, and opened one of your eyes. Giving him a sleepy smile you scooted closer, and cuddled against his chest, wrapping one of your arms loosely around his torso. Legolas felt a feeling of calm take over him. This was where he belonged, next to you. The serenity of the moment was only broken for a moment when he saw the tear tracks still visible on your cheeks, and he felt anger flare up inside of him before he smothered it, laying on the bed and getting into a comfortable position for sleep. The elf had been taken care of, and he would never dare to come near you again. Legolas had made sure of that.

This one was so much fun to write even though I had a bit of trouble on how to end it!
50th part of this book already! I'm shook!

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