Afraid - Elrond

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Warnings: arguments and Elrond trudging the waters of being controlling (but he does apologize)
Word count: 1020
Other: I know the name is rubbish but I couldn't come up with anything more original, sorry...
Requested: by Fontaine3224

The One Ring has been found, and it must be destroyed. A fellowship is formed out of all the people of Arda, and you want to join them. Your husband disagrees, and this builds tension between the two of you.

You entered the meeting room on the arm of your husband. You pressed a kiss to his cheek before you separated from him, walking to greet Legolas. You knew he had come a long way, and you were curious as to see how things were going in Mirkwood. You hadn't been in contact with King Thranduil for a while, and you wanted to know how the kingdom was doing. The conversation between the two of you was cut short when Elrond announced the meeting to start, and you hurried to your seat next to him, letting your hand rest atop of his for the duration of the meeting. He flashed you a smile before he addressed the people in the room, welcoming them to the meeting and announcing the direness of the situation.

The meeting ended with people muttering along with themselves, discussing the risks of the journey, and you excused yourself and left the room, your husband in tow.
"You cannot honestly be thinking of going?" Your husband's tone caught you by suprise, and you turned around to face him.
"What do you mean? Of course I am thinking of going, our future rest on this mission. The future of Arda rests on this mission." Your brows drew into a frown as Elrond encased your hands into his, his hold so tight it almost hurt.
"You cannot go." His tone was surprisingly firm and you turned to him with a frown.
"Why? I don't under-" You were cut off, and you took a step back in suprise.
"Because I told you no." The words rang in the air, the mood in the room now chilled as your eyes grew cold.
"Because you told me no?" Your tone was icy cold, and Elrond could see he had made a mistake.
"Darling-" Elrond tried, but you weren't listening anymore.
"You do not have the power over me, Elrond Peredhel. I may be your wife but I am my own person and I am perfectly capable to decide what I do and don't do." You threw your hair behind your back, turned on your heel, and stormed out of the room.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to go pack." Elrond watched with deep regret in his chest as you left the room, not even glancing behind you. He hadn't meant to sound so commanding, so ... controlling, but he couldn't bear the thought of you leaving. The dangers of the journey were unknown, and that scared him. What if you wouldn't return?

Elrond spent a few hours pondering over his apology. When he was sure he had perfected it, he set out to look for you. He found you in your room, angrily throwing clothes into the bag you had chosen for yourself for the journey.
"Darling." He greeted you hesitantly, but when you didn't respond, he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.
"Y/N." He tried again, and you still refused to answer, even if he saw the corner of your mouth twitch and your brows draw into a deeper frown.
"I apologize, my darling, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. It was never my intention to sound so commanding, I am just worried. The journey will not be easy. I fear for you, what if you don't return to me. My heart could not take it." His words made you lift your eyes from the clothes you had been folding and meet his where you could see tears brimming. When your eyes met, he hurried forward, grasping your hands in his, drawing patterns onto the backs of your hands.

The tears in his eyes and the desperation in his tone made you see things from his perspective. You started to understand that this choice was not yours alone. You and Elrond had been together for years now, and your emotional bond was deep. If you died during the journey, Elrond would follow soon after, his broken heart wouldn't be able to support him. Your love had grown so deep over the years that your death would surely meet his too. You were more than happy to put your life on the line to save Arda, but when it came to the life of your husband, you weren't so sure anymore.
"Darling, I am truly sorry-" You cut him off with a kiss, pressing your lips into his with passion. You could feel him relax in your arms, the embrace deepening as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tight to his chest. The kiss was filled with love, it flowed and ebbed as your lips moved in perfect harmony, your arms pulling the other closer like they would disappear any moment.

When you separated, neither of you said anything for a while, until Elrond spoke hesitantly, his tone filled with uncertainty but his words sincere.
"If you truly want to go, I won't stop you." He released a deep sigh, tightening his hold around you. You shook your head and laid your head to rest on his shoulder, drawing patterns onto his back.
"I do want to go, but..." You trailed off, fiddling with your fingers.
"I truly want to stay here too, with you."
"Whatever do you decide, I will support you," Elrond whispered against your neck, and you sighed. Why was it so hard to decide?

What do you think? Did you leave or did you stay?

Another request is done! They are coming along nicely and I am a bit surprised with myself how fast I am capable of getting them done... I guess a buttload of motivation helps with that XD

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