Miribel - Legolas

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Warnings: animal injuries and blood
Word count: 1973
Other: another one of those role-reversal fics, you as a princess and Legolas as a stableboy!
Requested: nope, just felt like writing another one of these, they are fun!

You visit the stables daily to spend time with your horse even if you are not able to ride that day, and Legolas desperately tries to keep his deep attraction to you hidden.

Legolas sighs as he leans onto the brush, running a hand through his hair to get it from sticking to his sweaty forehead. The sun had climbed into its highest point in the sky, scorched unforgivingly straight down to his neck. He had just finished giving the horses their hay, and he had started sweeping the few stray straws away from the paving as the head of stables liked things neat. The small breeze outside wasn't making things easy, and it kept pushing the golden pieces back inside almost as quickly as he was sweeping them outside. He huffed in irritation and turned to see some of the horses peeking over their stall doors. It was clear that they were following closely what was happening and witnessing his losing battle with the straws.

The sound of approaching footsteps catches his attention and he hurries to sweep the remaining straws away, not wanting to be lectured about slacking. He sets the broom back against the wall and heads to the well to pump out the water so he can start refilling the water troughs in the stables. On a warm day like this, they should always be full to give the horses an opportunity to drink, and Legolas doesn't want to be lectured about something he already knows by heart after working nearly all his life in the stables. But to his suprise, who walks into the stables isn't the rigorous head of stables, it's you.
"Good morning, Legolas." He feels like floating when he hears your voice break through the clean air, and he lifts his head from the bucket he was filling.
"Good morning, Lady Y/N. Miriel is in her stall, she's already had her hay." Legolas assures you, gesturing towards where she is finishing her meal.
"Thank you." You make your way towards the stall your horse is already peeking over the door of, probably prompted by the sound of your voice. Straws are still hanging from her mouth as she chews the last mouthful. She gives a gentle nicker, throwing her dark head, her black mane flying in the air. You laugh at her antics and pull the apple out of the pocket of your dress, presenting it to her with a smile. She eats half of it with one bite, chewing happily, and Legolas can't help but notice that you don't seem to mind the apple juice running down your fingers.

You offer the other half to her with a smile and turn to Legolas.
"Would you mind saddling her up for me? I would do it myself but I am afraid I will have to go and change before I can leave." You gesture down to your light yellow dress, made out of several layers of fine fabrics, no doubt an expensive piece of clothing, and extremely uncomfortable to move in, let alone ride in.
"Of course not, my lady, that is why I am here for." He states politely, already going through in his mind the places where he knew her tack to be stored.
"Well, I thank you nonetheless. I will return shortly." You gave him a smile that made him feel like had just been surrounded by a warm light. It wasn't anything like the scorching heat of the yard, it was gentle and soft, like the first morning rays that were still affecting the dew in the branches of the trees. It was fresh and warm.

After breaking out of his daydream as he could no longer hear your footsteps, Legolas ventures to find the tack, easily picking it up from its place and hoisting the bridle to his shoulder for easier carrying. He props them on top of the walls of the neighboring stall before picking up a brush and starting to go through the coat with precise strokes. He makes sure to apply enough force, as the mare in question is ticklish and hates if the strokes are too gentle. Also, she will take every opportunity to try and intimidate the person working on her to step away. Legolas has worked with her for so long that her tricks have no effect on him, and the mare settles down after pawing the ground a few times, noticing that Legolas hasn't even blinked. She swishes her tail and drops her head to find the few remaining straws of hay between the grains of the bedding.

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