Chapter 40: A Thanksgiving To Remember

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I'd like to thank EadlynSchreave0915 for writing this spectacular chapter!!

Lillian's POV
I stepped to the side and the King finished the report.

I did better than I thought I would. I was so nervous.

I made sure to thank the King and Queen for being so amazing and I hoped the people would accept my apology for behaving so ghastly. I exhaled a breath and Queen America walked over to me.

"That was great. I think you did wonderful and you've made me very proud."

She beamed and I smiled back. "Thanks. I was so nervous. I hope that they will forgive me."

"Of course they will. How could they not after that speech."

King Maxon walked over to us and we turned to face him.

"That was amazing Lillian. Excellent job."

"Thank you Your Majesty."

"I think it's time we head to bed especially after this eventful day."

"I agree. Goodnight Your Majesty."

We walked up the stairs and started to go to our separate rooms, but Queen America stopped me.

"Lillian, wait a moment. I've been thinking. How would you like to spend Thanksgiving with us?"

I lit up. "Really!? I would love to you Your Majesty." I hugged her and she laughed.

"Wonderful. Well, we will see you in the morning. Sleep well."

With that I headed off to my room.

America's POV
The days went by fast as I prepared our annual thanksgiving feast.

My family would be attending. Maxon had also decided to invite his aunt and cousins and Amberly was ecstatic when she heard.

Our friends would all be there as well. I hoped this would lift Lillians spirits. She still seemed sad after learning about Jax.

I decided that tomorrow I would help her get ready. I closed the folder in front of me and handed it to a servant. Finally the last detail was in place.

I went to bed and smiled knowing tomorrow would be fun.

I turned off the alarm and heard Maxon groan beside me. He tightened his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Maxon I have to help Lillian get ready."

"We have all day. Come on I want to snuggle."

I giggled and turned to him. "I promise we can cuddle tonight ok?"

He made a little frown and I laughed again. "I love you." I said and gave him a kiss. He pulled me close and deepened the kiss. I pushed against him and got out of bed before he could protest anymore.

Once I was ready I made my way to Lillian's room. I knocked softly and opened the door. The sun was barely over the horizon.

Lillian was fast asleep. I went over and gently nudged her shoulder.

"Lillian. Lillian. Lillian, wake up. I have a suprise for you." She shifted as a yawn escaped her lips. She stretched and yawned as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning Your Majesty."

"Lillian you can just call me America. There's no need for formalities anymore." She smiled.

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