Chapter 29: The Big Day

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When I woke up I was happily surprised that Maxon was still in bed with me.

That means he must have taken the day off to spend some time with me. Maybe he didn't forget my birthday after all.

"Good morning my love." Oh, I didn't even realize that Maxon was awake.

"Good morning Maxon."

"Well sadly I have a few meetings to attend, but I believe Nicoletta wanted to surprise you and do some "girl stuff" as she called it, with you this morning."

Aw, I wish Maxon would stay with me, but at least I get to hang out with Nicoletta.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know Maxon."

"Good morning your Majesty and happy birthday!"

"Girls you know you can call me America, and thank you!"

"Now let's get you ready for your day with Nicoletta."

My maids just held up a simple yet elegant dress. It's a short light pink day dress with lots of layers and lace.

I can't wait to see it on. My maids always outdo themselves.

*knock knock knock* "Come in!" I wonder who that could be

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*knock knock knock* "Come in!" I wonder who that could be. Oh please tell me it's Nicoletta and not an advisor.

"Happy birthday America!!"

"Nicoletta! It's so good to see you!"

"Its so good to see you too America. I've got plenty of things for us to do today, staring with breakfast on your balcony. I know you like the outdoors and food, so hopefully we can just have a nice relaxing breakfast."

I can already tell that this is going to be an amazing birthday. I just wish Maxon could join us. Maybe he can later.

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Maxerica With a TwistWhere stories live. Discover now