Chapter 44: Sharing The News

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We arrived in France this morning, and I am very nervous to tell Daphne about my pregnancy.

I mean, she is pregnant herself, and if she's emotional she may end up accidentally spilling my secret.

I'm worried that Maxon might get upset about not being the first person to know. Daphne won't even be the first person I tell.

Everything should work out though, I'll tell Maxon soon, I just want it to be a big surprise for him.

This morning we had breakfast with the French Royal family and now I am going to have tea with Daphne, alone.

This is my chance to tell her. I also want to hear about her pregnancy too though.

Both of us will be having our first child.

"I'm so glad you were able to come on such short notice America. It's so good to know I have a friend to support me through this process," Daphne gushes.

"I'm happy to be here Daphne. I do have something about myself I'd like to share with you too, if that's alright. Just remember it is a huge secret and you can't tell a single soul."

"My lips are sealed," she says.

"I'm just gonna blurt it out. You aren't the only one pregnant right now, but you can't tell anyone that I'm also pregnant because I haven't even told Maxon yet," I say all in one breath.

She jumps up and runs over to me, "this is so exciting America. We get to go through our first pregnancy together and our kids will be about the same age so they can become the best of friends," she said excitedly.

I really am excited to have a friend going through the same thing as me and especially since I know it will be such an amazing experience.

"Just think America, we are carrying the heirs to two different countries right now. We might as well be the most important people in the world right now."

"That is absolutely crazy," I say.

I hadn't even thought about that, it probably isn't very safe for us to be in the same room together right now.

From now on we will most likely have to talk on the phone instead of face to face.

"Since we are very important now and probably shouldn't be in the same room for long, is there anything you'd like to share about your pregnancy," I ask.

"I don't think there's that much to tell. Mine has been fairly smooth sailing. The only thing that really bothers me is the smell of certain foods. I don't have morning sickness or that bad of cramps so I'd say it's going pretty smoothly. How has yours been so far?"

"That's good to hear. While I haven't found many foods I can't stand to smell, I do have pretty bad morning sickness. I'm surprised Maxon hasn't figured out that I'm pregnant yet," I say.

"That sounds terrible, I'm so glad I don't throw up every morning. If I did I'm certain I wouldn't be able to hide my pregnancy from anyone."

"You just get used to it I guess."

"Yeah, now that we've gotten our pregnancy talk out of the way, are you ready to learn some French from the one and only Queen of France," she asks in a playful tone.

"Why of course Queen Daphne," I say with a slight curtsy.

"Oh stop that," she says waving her hands in the air laughing.

"Let's just start your French lesson now. How much do you think you already know?"

"Hardly any, Maxon taught me a few words but other than that I can't remember anything else," I say slightly embarrassed.

"Sounds like this is going to be a long day," she says laughing again.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter after not having one for about a month. I really didn't mean for you all to have to wait this long but I kept getting busy and forgot.

If you would like a shoutout in the next chapter let me know what your favorite book is❤️

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