Chapter 12: Girl's Day

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It's been three weeks now since we started planning the coronation.

The invitations have been sent out and the decorations have been picked.

All I have to do now is go to a dress fitting, choose the food, and do a taste test. It's all running smoothly and I'm excited now.

Maxon and I plan to eliminate the casts once we are crowned King and Queen and I think the people will be delighted to hear the news.

But that's not on today's agenda, today we are having a girls day. We are going to get massages, then get our nails done, and then talk in the women's room.

Today should be super relaxed so hopefully nothing will come up so I can enjoy it.
I may not have been able to ruin America's plans yet, but that doesn't mean I can't in the end.

Maxon made a huge mistake the day he chose America over me. I would have made a way better Queen.

I heard that America is planning on having a girls day today and I plan on attending. I don't think anyone suspects anything from me. I'm just sweet and innocent Kriss. I wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless that fly was America, but that's a whole different story.

I don't have a plan yet on how to sabotage America's day, but I'm sure I can figure something out.

I'm walking in the palace spa now but for some reason everyone in here is looking at me in disgust.
Ah what did I ever do to them?

"Guards! Please escort Kriss to the dungeons!"

What? No! "You have no right to take me away! Let go of me!"

Ugh now I'm being taken to the palaces dungeons. Why do bad things always happen to me?!
I love America and I told her she could even call me mom, so I get really upset when people abuse her kindness.

What I didn't tell Maxon and America is that I found out that Kriss is the leader of the Southern Rebels.

I also overheard that she was going to try to sabotage America's day off. When she came in here I could see in her face that she didn't have good intentions so I had her sent away to the dungeons.

I'll have to talk to Maxon and America tonight and tell them about the news I heard. Right now though I want to have fun with these girls and make sure America feels loved.

She will make an amazing Queen. She is loving and caring and she would do anything for her people. I wish Clarkson could have seen the good in her while he could.

I would like to say that I have a strong relationship with America. She usually comes to me when she's having a disagreement with Maxon or when she's just feeling overwhelmed and doesn't want to bother Maxon about it.

I can't wait to see the many great things she will do once she becomes Queen.
Everyone did everything they could to make my day enjoyable. We danced, got massages, got our nails done, took pictures, and just talked.

I'm now walking back to my room with Queen Amberley, or should I say mom, back to my room.

Maxon should be in there and she says she needs to talk to us about something important. "Maxon could I speak with you and America?"

"Why of course mother."

"You might want to sit down for this news."

I can't think of anything she would want to tell us that would be that shocking, but I'll do as I'm told.

"Alright now, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, I found out last night and this is the first opportunity I had to talk to both of you at the same time."

Maxon and I are squeezing each other's hands because we are now worried about what she might have to say.

"I wanted to let you two know that Kriss Ambers is the new Southern Rebels leader and she has been trying to sabotage your coronation."

*gasp* No! This can't be happening! What happened to being happy for whoever won?!

"Well I'll let you two get ready for bed. Goodnight, l love you both!"

"Goodnight mom, love you!"

Maxon and I said at the same time. I guess all we can do now is wait and see what happens.

Sorry this chapter didn't have much happening in it. This was basically a filler chapter before the coronation. Please comment if you have any ideas for any upcoming chapters!

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