Chapter 23: Party Planning

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America's family left a week ago, and the palace seems kind of lonely without them here.

I know America feels the same way, we just don't know what to do about it. America's birthday is coming up soon so they should be coming again soon.

I'm planning a huge surprise party for her. Hopefully she likes it.

I'm going to invite all of her family, other royal families, and the elite from the selection. In the end her best friends ended up being Celeste, Kris, and Elise.

I believe all of them are married now so maybe I can even talk to their husbands while the girls catch up.

I have less than a month to plan her party and I haven't even sent invitations out yet.

I'll have to call Nicoletta and have her plan a girls day for her while I make sure everything is ready for her party.

~~~~~~~~~on the phone~~~~~~~~~~
Maxon ——— Nicoletta
Hey Nicoletta! Do you think you could help me with planning America's surprise birthday party?
Oh hey Maxon! I would love to help plan her surprise party! What can I do to help?
Well I will need you to come a few days before her birthday, but she can't know you're here. Then I need you to plan a girls day for her birthday as a distraction while I set up the party.
I can definitely do that. I'll try to come in a week.
That sounds great! Thanks Nicoletta this will mean so much to America.
Any time Maxon, see you soon. Bye!
I'm so glad Nicoletta is able to come early and help me. She will be here about a week and a half before America's birthday.

That should give us plenty of time to prepare for her party. Now I just need to figure out what decorations and food I want for the party, I need to get America a dress made, and I need to get her presents.

That shouldn't be too hard. Oh and I need to send out invitations. Now who should I invite? She would definitely want Marlee and Carter, her maids, Celeste, Kris, Elise, and her family invited.

Then we would also have to invite some of our royal friends. I guess I'll send the invitations out now and tell everyone to keep it a secret so it can stay a surprise.

I know America won't want a big party so I'll just invite the few people she would want there, but make it a big deal.

I better finish up some paperwork now so I can go to bed and wake up early to plan more in the morning.

Ooh and I should also let my mom help me plan. She loves America as if she is her own daughter and I know she would just love to help.

I'll have to talk to her in the morning.

I just finished my work and I can finally go to bed. I don't want America to get suspicious and start asking me about what I'm doing.

"Hey America, how was your day?"

"It was alright Maxon. How was yours?"

"Mine was fine, you know just lots of paperwork to be done." I feel bad for not seeing her much today. I even skipped dinner to plan for her surprise party. I hope she doesn't get mad at me for not being at dinner. She doesn't seem to want to talk much.

"America, are you mad at me for not showing up at dinner tonight?"

"No, it's okay I know you have lots of work to do. Just please try to eat with me tomorrow." Even though she gave me a small smile I can tell she is upset.

Now I don't want to wake up super early to start planning. Maybe I'll stay so we can have breakfast together in the morning.

Usually I'm in a meeting or doing paperwork during breakfast so she usually wakes up without me just to eat by herself. Sometimes mom eats with her, but I know she wishes I could join her.

"America what if I went to breakfast with you in the morning? I'll stay here too, I won't get up to leave for work. I won't start working until after breakfast if you would like."

"Really Maxon?!" She seems super excited that I mentioned it, of course I'm being serious. It would be super mean of me to say that and not actually be able to.

"Yes really."

"Oh thank you Maxon! I love you!"

"I love you too darling. Goodnight."

And with that we both fell asleep in each other's arms.
I woke up and Maxon was still there beside me! I can't even remember the last time this happened.

Usually I have to eat breakfast by myself, or mom comes to eat with me. However I always wish Maxon was the one sitting with me.

We usually get to eat lunch and dinner together though, but last night it was just Amberley and I.

"Maxon", I whispered. "It's time to get up. We've got to get down to breakfast."

"Okay okay I'll get up so we can go."

Breakfast was amazing, as usual with pancakes, french toast, breakfast sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit, and biscuits.

What made it even better though, was that Maxon was able to be there. I'm glad he found the time to come eat with me, it meant a lot.

Well I guess I should get to work now.
I'm glad I got eat with America this morning. She seemed happy that I was there.

Once we were all done eating I kissed America and told her I would see her at lunch, and then I asked my mom to come join me in my office.

Luckily she didn't have anything else to do so she was able to come. "Okay mom so as you know America's birthday is coming up, and I am planning a surprise party for her. Would you like to help me pick some of the decorations?"

"I would love to help Maxon! I'll get right on it, and I'll make sure to keep it a secret."

With that she left and now I'm trying to decide what foods should be served. I know she will want strawberry tarts, but I don't know what else to have made.

Maybe I could just do a pastry bar and have strawberry tarts on it. That sounds good. I think she would like that. *ring ring* Oh that must be my phone.
Maxon ———- King of France
Hello King Maxon, this is King Anthony of France.
Hello King Anthony, is there anything I can help you with?
Yes, I called to ask if you could come to France tomorrow to sign the alliance papers.
Yes, I think I can arrange for that.
Thank you King Maxon, the royal family of France will be there to greet you when you get here to tomorrow.
Thank you, goodbye.
Well now I'll have to tell America that we will be leaving for France after dinner tonight. I hope she takes the news well.

Thanks for 500+ reads everyone. I hope you all have been enjoying my story. Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and what you think America's reaction will be when she finds out about having to go to France.

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