Chapter 19: The Evening Off

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Since I don't have to work anymore tonight I thought I could spend some time with America.

I didn't plan anything though so America can pick what we do. She will probably just want to watch a movie or something, but it's her decision.

"Hey America, is there anything you would like to do this evening?"

"Um I don't really care as long as what we do, we do it together."

I can tell her smile is genuine as she says that. I'm so glad I picked her, if I hadn't I would have ruined both of our lives.

"I love that idea, how about we go watch a movie together."

Hopefully she says yes to that because I think it would make for a fun evening.

"That sounds wonderful." Now we just have to decide where to watch the movie.

"America, where do you want to watch the movie?"

"I was thinking maybe we could go watch it in the movie theater downstairs."

"That's a great idea." I hope she likes the movie I have planned for us to watch.

"Maxon, did you have something in mind for us to watch?"

"Actually yes I do, would you like to watch Fighting Crowns Three?"

"What's that about?" Haha, I hope she ends up wanting to watch this once I tell her about it, but I think she'll want to watch it.

"Well it has action, romance, and comedy all in one. It's about this island that goes to war and then there are three people that are qualified to rule the island and the three have to fight for the title. It seems really interesting and I think you'd like it, but I haven't seen it before. That's just what I heard about it."

"I would love to watch that with you my Royal Husbandness."

And now we are sitting together in the movie theater starting our movie. Let's just hope this goes well.
As soon as we finished the movie the rebel alarm went off.

The rebels hadn't attacked in a while and Maxon and I weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. Apparently it was not since they're here now.

I just sat there in shock until Maxon took my hand and started walking us towards the safe room.

Luckily we have secret passages to safe rooms all over the palace. Unfortunately though, we didn't have enough time to make it to the royal safe room, so we're currently sitting in a smaller one.

I hope we aren't in here much longer, there aren't very many supplies in here so we probably wouldn't last long without coming out.

We've already been in here for I would say about four hours but I'm not really sure. There's no way to tell time in here and I've lost my sense of time.

Maxon and I have just been sitting here talking. Maxon seems really worried, and I am too but one of needs to be strong for the other and it's usually Maxon, so for once it's going to be me.

"It's going to be okay Maxon."

"I know my dear, I'm just worried about our people. Hopefully once we start eliminating the castes the rebels will stop attacking us. I don't like feeling like I'm in danger in my own home."

"I know Maxon, and I don't either. But we've got to get through this, together."

"You're right darling. I can make it through anything as long as you're by my side." Aww sometimes when he just says something simple it makes my heart melt.

"Well it looks like we're going to just have to sleep in here. Why don't we get some blankets down off that shelf over there and make a makeshift bed."

"Alright, I'll grab them."

I'm glad Maxon is ready to stop thinking about everything and try to sleep. Hopefully he doesn't let me sleep just so he can stay up on his own.

I know he doesn't want me to worry about him, but when he does that, it just makes it worse.

"Goodnight America, I love you." Are the last words I hear before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment your thoughts on this chapter. Also, quick question. Would you all rather me write shorter chapters but post sooner or write longer chapters, but they would take longer to write? Let me know you're opinion in the comments.

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