Chapter 39: Clearing Things Up

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After Lillian spoke with Jax, she ran out of the room crying.

I hate that she's crying, but I feel that it's best to give her some space for a little while before I chase after her.

Whatever happened in that interrogation room must have not been what Lillian was hoping for.

With all of this drama I don't think we are going to be able to do our drawing anytime soon.

I'm sure there were people anticipating it and hoping they were selected, but I just don't think now is the time to do it anymore.

Ever since I married Maxon and became Queen we have never caught a break.

There is always something happening.

"Why don't we go find something to eat," Maxon says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

With all the fuss about the rebels I had completely forgotten that none of us have had dinner, so I lean my head on Maxon's shoulder and let him lead me to the dining room.

"What would you like to eat your Majesties," a servant asks us.

"Whatever you already had planned would be great," Maxon answers for me with a small smile.

Once the servant walks away, we turn towards each other to talk.

"What do you think happened in that interrogation room," I ask.

"Lillian probably learned that this had been going on for a while and didn't want to believe the news that was just thrown at her, so she ran off."

"I hate that for her. She probably just learned that she has been dating someone she thought she knew when she really didn't know much about him at all," I say leaning on Maxon.

At that moment a servant comes in with our dinner making me sit up straight once again.

"I'm sorry it took so long, the chefs weren't sure when or if you would want to eat so they hadn't started cooking yet," he says shyly.

"That's perfectly fine. Please let everyone know how grateful we are for this meal," I say smiling.

As he starts to leave we open the dish to reveal some delicious looking salad and steak with various sides.

After we finish eating I decide to head up to Lillians room to check on her.

I can hear sobs before I even get to the door.

"Lillian? Can we talk," I ask.

She lets me in and pats the bed beside her for me to sit.

I don't know what else to do so I simply pull her into a hug.

"H-he l-lied to m-me. I can't believe it," she says sobbing.

"Hey, is the only thing you're upset about the fact that he lied to you?"

"N-no. I also don't want the whole country to think that I knowingly dated a criminal," she says.

"Actually, I think I know of a way that we can clear that up," I say smiling at her.

I then explain to her my plan about doing an emergency report and explaining everything that just happened.

I'm also going to let her speak for herself and apologize for the way she behaved on the report last time.

This should be good for her. I'm also glad she's becoming a better person.

Now that the cameras have started rolling I am now in a fresh gown sitting beside Maxon with a smile on my face.

This should be a report to remember.

After we were all announced, Maxon started speaking.

"As you already know there was a rebel attack very recently and we just wanted to clear up a few things. Please listen to everything Lillian, our guest speaker, has to say before you judge her."

I am proud of Maxon for standing up for her even before we hear her speak.

I have no clue as to what she is going to say, but I'm sure she will do great and make us proud.

"As you all know, my name is Lillian and I was dating one of the rebels in the recent attack. I was not aware that he was a rebel and as soon as I found out I broke it off with him. I would also like to apologize for the way I behaved during my last report. I did not act as a role model, I behaved in a manner that was not appropriate. I wish I could change what I said, but I know I can't. I also wanted all of you to know that our King and Queen are some of the best people I have ever met. They didn't judge me or yell at me when they found out who attacked. Instead, they were very understanding and came to comfort me. I wouldn't want anyone else to lead my country. Thank you," she says before sitting back down in her seat. 

Once she finished I was almost in tears with the biggest smile on my face, squeezing Maxon's hand. I couldn't be more proud of Lillian.

This is so late and I am so sorry!! If I'm ever really behind feel free to message me or comment.

Soo what did you think of this chapter?? Please let me know in the comments.

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