Chapter 13: The Coronation

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Today is the day of my coronation.

Kriss is still being held here and everything is running smoothly. I'm nervous about being Queen, I don't want to let my people down. Maxon and mom say that I will make a great Queen, I just hope I don't disappoint them.

I'm putting my coronation gown on right now and it's gorgeous. It's blue with lots of tiny details and it just flows around me perfectly.

My hair goes with my dress wonderfully and it looks really good with the dress. I have the best maids in the world.

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MaxonI know America is nervous about becoming Queen but I know she will be the best Queen this country has ever seen

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I know America is nervous about becoming Queen but I know she will be the best Queen this country has ever seen.

She has a kind heart and will do anything for her people. I couldn't be more proud of her. Once we become the King and Queen we will finally get to work on eliminating the casts.

America has wanted to since the Selection and I couldn't agree more. I just wished she would have used a more subtle approach telling the country and that she ran it by me first.

Now I'm standing outside of America's door and... *door opens* Wow! "America, you look..."

I'm actually to stunned for words, she's so beautiful! Before I can say anything else she's kissing me on the check and linking her arm with mine.
Skip to during the coronation
There are so many people here.

I've never liked being the center of attention, and right now, all eyes are on me.

We will say our vows to our country and then we will get crowns placed on our heads.

"Do you, Maxon Calix Schreave promise to always rule this country fairly and always do what is best for your people? Will you do this in sickness and in health? Also will you produce an heir for the next monarch? If so say I do."

"I do."

I can't believe this is actually happening right now. Looking into Maxon's eyes, it's like we're the only people here.

"Do you, America Rose Schreave promise to always rule this country fairly and always do what is best for your people? Will you do this in sickness and in health. Also will you produce an heir as the next monarch? If so say I do."

"I do." I can't quit smiling.

This is actually happening right now! I am Maxon's wife and now the Queen.

Could my life get any better than this? "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as the King and Queen of Illéa. Long live the King! Long live the Queen!"

Now that I am the Queen, I have to go change for my coronation ball.

Queens for the last decade have been wearing a purple ball gown to their coronation, so that's what I will be wearing too.

MaxonAmerica is upstairs changing into her coronation ball gown while I'm stuck down here alone

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America is upstairs changing into her coronation ball gown while I'm stuck down here alone.

I wish they would have let me stay with her, but the advisors said that at least one of us should be here at all times. I know they came to see us, but still I would much rather be with America right now.

BEEP BEEP BEEP Is that the rebel alarm? BEEP BEEP BEEP Noooo!!! America is upstairs without me! How am I supposed to save her when she is on the third floor and I'm on the first?!

"King Maxon I'm here to escort you to a safe room."

"No! I need to find America! I have to know that she is safe!"

"We can ensure her safety but we need to get you to a safe room. She's probably already in there waiting for you."

I really don't want to go, but what if he's right. What if she's in there waiting for me and is worried about if I'm safe. I can't do that to her, I guess I'll have to go.
5 hours later
I have been in this safe room now for five hours.

America never showed up and now I'm really worried about her. I just hope she was put in a different safe room that was closer.

*safe room door opens* "Guards! Do you know where America is?"

"King Maxon I am very sorry to inform you that Queen America has been captured."

What will happen to America? Did Kriss escape and capture her? Will Maxon make it without her? Keep reading to find out. If you have any ideas for upcoming chapters please let me know in the comments!

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