Chapter 17: Training

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After America's meeting with Brooklyn she decided I should be the one to help her settle in and get everything situated for her new life of living in the palace.

We'll have to think of a new name for her so Kriss and David won't recognize her though.

"Brooklyn is there a particular name you would like to go by?"

"Actually yes there is, could my fake name be Niki Sparks please?"

"Why that's a lovely name. Of course you can go by Niki Sparks."

I'm glad Brooklyn seems to be excited about living here. America seems to love her and I think the feeling is mutual with Brooklyn.

"Alright, so are there any particular hobbies you would want to do?"

"I've always wanted to try swimming or archery," she answers shyly.

"That's great! I can get you some lessons set up for next week. The palace has some amazing resources. You're one very lucky girl."

"I can't wait! Everyone here is so nice, especially compared to the people at the rebel base. They always shoved me around. I didn't like living there."

"I'm so glad you're a lot happier now," I say running my hand through her hair.
I'm glad Marlee is the one helping me get adjusted. She seems really nice, and she's letting me make most of my own decisions.

I'm excited to get to spend more time with America. How many girls can say they personally know the Queen of their country? Not many, that's for sure.

I'm also excited to start the new activities Marley said I could do. Ooh and I almost forgot, I bet the food here is amazing. I can't wait to eat.

Rebel base food isn't the best you've ever had and I've been eating it for two years now.
Mary just came in my room to start on my makeup. I plan on spending the evening with Maxon.

"Hello Mary. Before you get started I just wanted to let you know that I'd like my makeup to be light and natural for tonight."

"I will do my best your Majesty."

I'm supposed to get to spend some time with Maxon this evening. With Mary doing my makeup I know that it will look really nice.

"Oh Mary, this is actually looking really good." My maids have also prepared a beautiful casual dress for my date with Maxon tonight.

It is purple with lace details and a purple bow. Lucy does an excellent job designing my dresses.

"Thank you Mary! This looks wonderful! You may take the rest of the day off, and walk around the palace

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"Thank you Mary! This looks wonderful! You may take the rest of the day off, and walk around the palace."

"I am so honored to serve you your Majesty, and thank you for the night off."

Now I should get going so I'm not late for my date with Maxon. I believe we are meeting in the gardens for dinner.

Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

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