Chapter 20: Reassurances

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I woke up to see America still asleep in my arms, on the floor of the safe room.

I hate that the rebels can just get into our home as they please. Oh no, did I just wake America.

"Maxon? Are you awake?"

"Yes my dear, I'm sorry for waking you, you can go back to sleep."

I hope she goes back to sleep. There's nothing better to do in here and I'm sure she'll be worrying if she's not asleep.

"If you're staying up, then so am I."

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I know she didn't sleep much last night. This rebel attack is lasting way to long and both of us are now on edge.

"Well, then I guess we can both just be up."

"Maxon we need to do something about these rebels. They can't just come and go as they please. The thing is though, I don't have any ideas on how to stop them."

"I completely agree the rebels should not have access into the palace. This is our home and if I don't feel safe here with just us, what are we going to do when we have children? This is really getting out of hand. As soon as we get out of here we are going to have to schedule an advisors meeting. There's got to be something we can do to prevent this from happening."

I know America cares about these things as much as I do, and I can also tell that she is trying to be the strong one right now.

I love her for it, but I wish she didn't have to be the strong one, I wish I could be there for her in all situations. And I am, it's just that sometimes I just need to talk about my emotions and voice my panic.

I hope we get out of here soon. *knock knock knock* Finally! It seems as though the attack is over since the guards are coming to open up our safe room door. "King Maxon! Queen America! I'm so glad we found you!"

"Thank you Officer..."

"It's Officer Markson your highness."

"Why thank you Officer Markson." I'm glad the guards were able to find us. I hope my mother is alright.

"Maxon! America!" My mother exclaimed sobbing. She must have been worried sick when we didn't show up in the royal safe room.

"Mom!", America and I yelled at the same time! She gave us both a hug and then looked us over for any injuries.

"I'm so glad you two are safe! I was worried sick that something had happened to the two of you when you never showed up in the safe room."

"We've been in here the whole time, and Maxon made sure to get us to safety quickly."

I know America is just trying to reassure my mom, but she can't seem to grasp the fact that we are standing right in front of her and that we are safe.

"Why don't we go talk in mine and America's room?"

"That's fine Maxon. I'm just glad that you and America were safe."
We've been sitting in our room with Amberley for about half an hour now.

She's very concerned with our safety and says we need to come up with an alternative plan to the ones already in place.

While Maxon and I do agree with her argument, we don't know what other plans to arrange. I also understand that she was probably extra worried about us not being in there since her husband died during a rebel attack.

"America while I understand that you are only seventeen now, you two need to think about when you will try to produce an heir. If something were to happen to one of you during an attack and you don't have an heir, our country could fall apart."

Oh no, I knew this conversation would eventually have to happen since it is basically part of our job description, I just didn't think it would have to happen this early.

"Mother I thought we already discussed this. America and I will produce an heir when we are ready. We have plenty of time and you are just overreacting and making the situation seem worse than it is."

I'm glad Maxon and I feels the same way about this, and I know he means what he says when he squeezes my hand for reassurance as he speaks.

"I know I just want you to think about the country's best interest, while still considering yourself. I said you should talk about it, I did not tell you make it happen right now. Now I'll be in my room if you need me for anything. I'll see you both at dinner."

At least she doesn't expect to see us at lunch. She must really want us to talk about this.

"Maxon, can we talk about this later? Right now I just want to talk to you and the advisors about a plan to fight the rebels. Also can we please send for my family to come stay here for a while so I can make sure they are as safe as possible?"

"Yes darling, we can do all of those things. I know how much your family means to you, and now I'm technically part of the family too so we should both make sure to look out for them."

"Thank you Maxon. I love you so much!"

"I love you too America!"

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed! Please comment your thoughts on this chapter. Also thanks for 400 reads!

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