Chapter 14: Trapped

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I just woke up and I have no clue where I am. The last thing I remember is waking to my room and I randomly felt a pinch in my neck.

This place doesn't look like the palace. Am I in a jail cell?

"Well well, looks like the Queen finally woke up."

Who is that? I'm chained to the ground so I can't see much of anything. "Who's there?" 

"My name is Rupert." Who is this Rupert? Is he a Southern Rebel? I need to get more information.

"Where am I?"

"You are in a jail cell inside a rebel base." Alright, so I am in a rebel base. I wonder how long I've been here for.

Maxon is probably worried sick. I hope Maxon is safe at the palace.

"How long have I been here for?"

"Why you ask lots of questions my Queen. Anyways you have been unconscious for three days."

Three days? No I couldn't have already been here for three days.
Maxon would have found me by now.

"Wait! Please don't leave me alone yet! I still don't know what you want from me."

"Well since you can't escape I guess there's no reason why you can't know. We plan on holding you captive to get what we want from Maxon."

"He's King Maxon to you!" Ugh! Why are the rebels always so rude?! I need to find a way to get back to Maxon. I've just got to come up with a plan!
Four days later
It's been a week now since I've seen America.

Each passing second without knowing where she is becomes more agonizing.

"Have you heard anything about her yet?"

"Yes your majesty! I just came to inform you that there is an incoming video of America in the meeting room."

I'm glad I'll get to see her I'm just worried about what she's gone through while she's been there.

"Alright, let's go." I'm really nervous about what I might see. She's been gone a week, and I don't even know if they've been feeding her.

"Hey there King Maxon! As you can see we have your precious wife America, and you won't ever see her again if you don't listen to our instructions."

No! This can't be happening! "You must step down from the crown or we will kill Queen America. You have five days to make your decision."

They can't do that! "And just to make sure you know we aren't joking here's a preview."

I can't give up the crown to them, but I also can't let this happen to America.

She looks so sick. They must not be feeding her. They even have the audacity to cut my wife in front of me.

She'll for sure pass out now from blood loss and malnutrition. I've got to get my men together and get her back home.

"I love you Maxon! Don't give up the crown for me! You'll be okay without me!"

I wish I could express to her how I'm not okay right now and she's still alive.

I would not be okay and I will do everything I can to get her back here safely before the five days are up.

"Men! Do everything you can, look anywhere and everywhere just FIND MY AMERICA!"

If they can't find her in two days I'll have to go look for her myself. I won't let it end this way!
I've been here for a week now and I've been so miserable here.

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