Chapter 15: The Escapee

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I can't believe my plan is actually working. We are almost back to the palace, since as promised King Maxon came to pick us up.

I'm so excited to live at the palace. Queen America told me to just call her America, so our relationship is more casual.

She hates being called "your Majesty" or "Queen America".

She also said I would have to change my name so Aunt Kriss won't know I'm at the palace. You see that's the thing, I'm worried that she will somehow recognize me and make everything worse. Especially since her boyfriend works here.

I'm ready to start my new life though. America told me that Kriss is in the dungeons so I should be safe, at least for now.
I am so relieved to be back at the palace. I told Maxon I would share all the information I had with him after I took a nap.

I wasn't able to sleep much in the rebel base. Maxon says he agrees that I need to get some rest, and that we can talk later.

Running through the woods is exhausting. I was pretty much running for my life when I was fleeing the rebel base.

I just hope they don't attack us and to try to capture me again.
I wasn't on duty for five minutes when I realized the Queen was gone. I don't even know who was in charge of her last.

I don't want one of the leaders to think I was responsible for her at the time so I'll just have to look for her on my own. I don't know where to even look though. She has to be in here, this place is a maze.

The only way she could have possibly escaped is if someone that knew their way around helped her. But who could have helped her?

Who's been spending lots of time with her... Brooklyn! I have to find Brooklyn and make things right.

I can't get in trouble for her disastrous ideas. I have to do something.
America has been back for a few hours now, and she's still asleep.

I told her maids "The second she wakes up, come get me," so hopefully she doesn't send them away.

I've been here working in my office ever since she went to sleep. Work doesn't seem like such a task when I know where America is, and that she is safe there.

I hope she wakes up soon so I can talk to her. I've missed her so much.

This experience has been even worse than when she was in a coma and forgot who I was.

*knock knock knock* "Come in."

"Your Majesty, Queen America has awoken."

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll go see her now."
Maxon just walked in my room and he looks delighted to see me. It seems like forever since we've been together.

I know he's going to want to talk about what happened and if I inquired any important information, but I think I'll just ask if we can eat first.

The rebels only gave me two pieces of stale bread the entire time I was there. I still haven't eaten anything since I've been back at the palace, so I'm starving.

"Maxon, before we get down to business, can we please get something to eat?"

"Of course my dear." Even though he knows it aggravates me when he calls me that, he seems to be confused as to why I'm glaring at him.


"I'm not your dear."

"Sorry, now what would you like to eat?" Hmm, I actually don't know what I want to eat.

"I'll have whatever the kitchen is preparing for dinner." I'm not exactly sure what time it is but I'm sure it's not after dinner yet. Right?

"Alright I'll have a maid go and get your dinner."

"Thank you Maxon." I love Maxon so much. He would basically do anything for me, even when I can do it myself.

"The food should be up shortly darling."

"Thank you Maxon, and can we have that meeting tomorrow?"

"That should be fine." I'm glad I don't have to talk to the advisors about it tonight. That should give me enough time to explain everything to Maxon and get our advisor David fired.

I can't let him find out about Brooklyn.

So I've decided that I won't be posting new chapters everyday but hopefully twice a week. Hope you've enjoyed. Comment with any suggestions you may have.

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