Chapter 33: Time Together

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Please read my note at the bottom!!

Maxon and I have been traveling around the provinces for a couple weeks now. We are almost done touring the whole country and we are excited to announce the winners for the competition.

We have also gotten to spend some alone time on this trip. At the palace we usually don't see each other during the day unless it's during a meeting. Though sometimes, even on this trip, our time is cut short. We have met many sweet families and their children. The children seem to love us and it just helps me know that we're doing the right thing.

"America darling, are you awake," Maxon asked me.

"Yes Maxon," I say and I move closer to him.

I'm not yet fully awake and I would love to just lay in bed all day with my thoughts, but I know that since I'm the Queen I'm expected to do my duties.

He wraps his arm around me and says, "why don't you get dressed and then we can talk a walk around town."

"That sounds wonderful, I'll get ready as quickly as I possibly can."

"No need to rush my dear. We have the day to ourselves," he says chuckling.

I didn't know we were getting a day for just the two of us. This will be fun.

"Wait, if we have the day to ourselves, why can't we stay in bed a little longer?"

"Well I mean you could... but unless you want to miss what I have planned—"
I cut him off saying, "oh I wouldn't want to miss you're plans, I guess I'll get up now."

I then kissed him and got up to pick a dress.

I ended up choosing a pink dress that was pretty basic. I wanted to be able to get dressed myself and wear something simple instead of extravagant.

Once I was dressed I walked in the living room to see Maxon sitting on the couch reading a newspaper

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Once I was dressed I walked in the living room to see Maxon sitting on the couch reading a newspaper.

"Does it have anything about us in it," I asked.

"Only good things my love, but since you're ready, I say we stop worrying about what's in a newspaper and get on with our day."

I laugh and Maxon offers me his arm leading me to a town car.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise anymore if I told you, now would it? Also, don't tell me you don't like surprises because I think you're going to like this one, he says smiling."

I can't be mad at him when he does that and he knows it.

We just got to the surprise location and I don't understand why it's so special until I get out of the car and look.

Maxon had written "I love you America!" in the sand and had set up a picnic at the beach.

"I love you too Maxon," I said while throwing my arms around his neck.

I can't believe Maxon set all of this up. There's a beautiful picnic set up on the beach and he even wrote me that sweet message in the sand. I love him so much.

"Well shall we enjoy our picnic," I ask giggling.

"I believe we shall," Maxon replies.

After breakfast Maxon said we could go swimming and we had the best day ever. Actually, I would consider any day with Maxon the best day ever, but this one seemed extra special.

I can't wait to get this tour over with so we can go back home to the palace, but I sure will miss all of the extra time I get to spend with Maxon.

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So I've been thinking and my chapters have gotten kind of general and bland with no detail. I want to do something about that so I have a question for you guys. Would you like to read about their day/ a few hours of their day where I write out all the dialogue and make it descriptive? I don't like my chapters not having very much content. If you have any ideas for particular events/ regular day things you would like for me to write about please comment and let me know. I will give you credit for your idea!!

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