Chapter 10: Changed Forever

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A/n Hey guys! Should I write another story where Maxon and America meet at school? Let me know in the comments!

I wonder what the bad news is. I'm holding on to America in hopes that if she faints she won't fall to the ground.

Whatever the news is it can't be good. I hope my mother is okay.

No, I can't even think like that. Of course she's okay, she's the queen!

"Prince Maxon I am here to inform you that you're father, the King passed away in the rebel attack."

I can feel America go limp in my arms. I'm not sure if it's from the blood loss or from the news we were just told but I am led to believe it's partially from both.

I can't believe they would let the rebels get to him! Sure he wasn't the best King, but he was still the King!

I really don't know how to feel right now. He was my father but he's also the one that caused America so much pain. *gasp* Wait if the King died and I'm the heir to the throne, that means I will have to become King and America will become Queen.

We won't have to immediately, but my mom can't rule by herself forever.

That must be why America fainted. She realized that she will have to become Queen a lot sooner than expected.

I don't blame her, today has been very eventful.
The next day
I just opened my eyes and now everything that has happened in the last twenty- four hours is flooding back into my brain.

Am I seriously going to become the Queen of Illéa. I'm only 19!

While I wasn't very fond of Clarkson he was still Maxon's father, so I can't say I'm thrilled he's dead for Maxon's sake.

Maxon has not left my side ever since I blacked out. He's always there for me when I need him.



"What's going to happen to us?"

"We'll be fine my dear. We'll just have to be crowned as King and Queen earlier than expected. Everything will work out."

I really hope he's right. I just got used to the idea of being a Princess and now I have to become the Queen at only 19!!

This is just too much to think about right now. "Maxon when can I leave the hospital?"

"Let me go ask the doctor."

I hate it that I have to be left in here alone, but I really just want to go to my room.

"The doctor said he's going to come check on you in a minute and then you can go up to your room."

"Okay, thanks Maxon."
The doctor just cleared America and we are now on our way to her room. "Maxon?" Is that my mom?

"Mom? Are you aright?"

"No!" I feel really bad for her I hardly even cried and she's walking around sobbing.

"Come on mom you can come in America's room with us and talk."

"Alright *sob* Maxon."

We just got in America's room and we are all now sitting on her bed. America has her head in my lap and I'm holding my mom's hand.

They know I don't do well with crying women.

"You two will need to have a meeting with the advisors to plan a date for your coronation."

What?! I thought she would keep the crown for a little longer, but she wants us to go pick a date now?!

"Are you sure you don't want to wait a little bit longer. America and I haven't been married long, and we are still really young to take on such a responsibility."

"Maxon I wouldn't mention it if I didn't believe you and America."

This is a lot to think about. I need to talk to America about this alone before we decide anything though. What if she decides this isn't the life she wants?

"Well if you think now is the best time I will talk it over with America and then we will speak with the advisors."
I stayed quiet the whole time mom was in my room. I don't feel ready to become Queen yet, but I know I can't let Maxon down.

"Maxon if we need to be crowned now, I'll do it as long as I'm with you."

I was going to say more but he cut me off with a kiss. I can tell it means a lot to him that I still want him even though he comes with a lot of baggage.

"When do you want to meet with the advisors?"

"Let's go tomorrow morning. We can sleep on it and walk in with clear heads."

"Sounds good to me Maxon."

What will happen during the meeting with the advisors? Read chapter 11 to find out. Thank you for reading! Please leave anything you have to say about this chapter in the comments!

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