Chapter 34: And The Winner Is...

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I am so glad our trip is almost over. While it has been fun it's also pretty stressful being away from the palace.

After we choose the best picture from this last province we can go back home to the palace.

It's funny how just about a year ago I wanted nothing to do with the palace, and now it's my home.

"America my love, are you ready to choose the last photo?"

"I'm just glad this all about to be over. This has been exhausting."

"Yes it has, but I'm glad I've gotten to spend some extra time with you," Maxon says pulling me into a hug.

"Why don't we go ahead and get in the car so we can get back home."

"That sounds amazing," I say as he takes my hand to lead me to the car.

I like traveling in these cars, no one even recognizes us.

"So, he says wrapping his fingers around mine."

"Are you excited about Christmas being in two months?"

"Maxon, why are you bringing up Christmas already? Like you just said, it's two months away."

"Well I know you will be the one choosing all of the decorations and I figured you might think it was fun."

"Maxon I think your forgetting the order of holidays," I say giggling.

"Oh, then what am I forgetting," he asks smirking.

"Maxon your forgetting Halloween and Thanksgiving. We are having a Halloween ball this year, right?"

I really hope we get to have a Halloween ball. They are so fun, and that's one ball where I get to spend most of the night dancing with Maxon.

"Well I was thinking maybe we shouldn't have just a Halloween ball."

"What do you mean we can't have a Halloween ball I—"

Maxon cuts me off by saying,"I was thinking that maybe we could have a masquerade Halloween ball instead."

"Could we really?"

I probably sound like a little kid begging for candy, but I would really like to have a masquerade Halloween ball. That would be so fun.

"If you want to darling. I don't see why not."

"This is so exciting, I'll have to start planning right away."

"I'm glad your excited darling. Let me come help you out. After this we can go home."

After we got inside we chose the last province winner and took all the winning photos with us to the palace. It was hard to select a favorite among so many, but the one we ended up choosing was simply amazing.

Now that we are back at the palace we need to have our country vote for the photo they think is the best

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Now that we are back at the palace we need to have our country vote for the photo they think is the best.

We decided to have each citizen go to their local post office to electronics send us their vote. Tomorrow we should have our winner.
After breakfast America and I will find out who the winner is for the photography competition and see who the lucky drawing winner is.

"Are you excited to meet the winner," I ask America.

"I think so. I won't to be more involved with our people. They should know we are human too. We shouldn't stay away from all public interactions."

"I can agree with that," I say.

I just hope there aren't a lot of upset feelings. I know it everyone can win, but still.

"King Maxon would you like to view the final results now," I servant asks me.

"I thought we were doing this after breakfast. Oh well I guess we can do it before."

"Well let's see these results," America says excitedly.

I pull her close to me and open up the tablet.

A girl named Lillian Miles won the competition. She is 15 and lives in Carolina.

America will love the fact that she lives where she grew up. She's not too much younger than us so it shouldn't be awkward. This should be fun.

"I'm so excited to meet her! Did you see that she lives in Carolina Maxon??"

Yep, I knew she would be excited about that.

The photo she took is gorgeous

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The photo she took is gorgeous. We have lots of very talented citizens.

We will have to find out the drawing winner later today so we can get everything mailed into the palace.

I'm super this will lift some spirits though.

"Well I guess we should get on with our days now. I'll go start planning for her arrival and making arrangements," America says.

"Sounds good my love. I'll see you later ,"I say after I kiss her and leave the room.

I just hope everything works out the way she wants it to.

Thanks for reading! I hope you've enjoyed this story so far!

Please remember to vote, comment, and check out my other stories!

Also, since they will be having a Halloween masquerade ball should Maxon and America do a couples costume? Or should they keep it a secret and try to find each other? Either way let me know what you think and any costume ideas you have for either of them.

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