Chapter 6: I Remember

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I am now outside in the gardens walking with Maxon.

I hope I will soon remember everything about Maxon. I can tell he loves me so much and I want to say that I remember him enough to say I love him too.

He's taking me to what he calls "our bench" it must have meant a lot to us at some point.

We're going to have a picnic at our bench today and hopefully it will help me remember.
I'm so excited to eat with America at our bench.

The bench means a lot to both of us and hopefully it will help spark a memory for her.

"America do you remember anything sitting here at our bench with me?"

"I don't think so Maxon, I really wish I did though."

Oh no if this isn't working I don't know of anything else that might.

I've got to come up with BEEP BEEP BEEP Why do the rebels have to keep coming? Didn't they cause enough pandemonium last time? I've got to keep America safe! I can't let anything else happen to her!

"America! We've got to get to a safe room!"

I'm looking at her face and I can see the discomfort. I can't bear to see her like this so I pick her up bridle style and run towards the castle.

"Prince Maxon! Princess America! In here!"

The guards have finally found a safe room that is open for us to go in. I set America down and now that I'm looking around this safe room looks familiar.

Then it hit me, this is the safe room I stayed in with America when she found out about my back!

Maybe being in this safe room will help her regain her memories. Although first I need to make sure she's okay.

She didn't look like she was feeling well when I first picked her up. Maybe she just didn't like the sound of the rebel alarm?
Maxon suddenly picked me up and ran into the palace.

I am now laying on the ground in what appears to be a safe room. I feel like this room is familiar.

Also when Maxon first picked me up I was experiencing an excruciating headache and some of my memories came flooding back.

I now remember pretty much everything about Maxon.

"Maxon! My Royal Husbandness!" I had completely forgotten he had told me to call him that until now.

Looking at his face I can see all the worry and sadness melt off of his face and he looks overjoyed.

I'm so happy to know I was the one to put that smile on his face! "America! You remembered!"

Now we're having a make-out session just like the last time we were in here.  I'm so glad to have my memories of Maxon back!
I can't believe America actually remembers me! I know she isn't faking since she called me

"My Royal Husbandness" which makes me happy because thats only the second time she's called me that.

After we left the safe room we went back to our room to rest and we got to be together as a married couple again.

It seems like it's been forever since she would even let me hold her at night. I'm glad we're back together and stronger than ever.

Thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying this so far! If you have any ideas please let me know! Also sorry for such a short chapter but the next one should be a longer one.

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