Chapter 42: Double Shock

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I informed Maxon last night that Lillian would be leaving this morning, but that she was going to enjoy one last meal with us.

We decided that we want to eat with her alone. Our families can eat together without us this morning.

Maxon is still asleep, but I think I'm going to start getting ready anyways. I'm sad to see Lillian go. She's grown up a lot since she first arrived.

I stepped into the bathroom by myself, not having called for my maids yet, and all of the sudden had a rush of nausea.

Quickly kneeling beside the toilet, I lost last night's dinner.

This is not the first time this has happened though. I have been thinking it's just because I'm nervous about everything going on, but I'm starting to think it might be more than that.

I'll have to call Marlee and talk to her about my suspicions, but I can't do that with Maxon in here.

I wouldn't want to get his hopes up and then be wrong.

Once I finished I flushed the toilet, and I stood up to wake up Maxon.

He took the morning off to have breakfast with Lillian before she goes.

I hate having to wake him up when he has the morning off, but he needs to start getting ready, and so do I.

"Maxon," I say, gently shaking him.

"Good morning my love," Maxon mumbles, still half asleep.

"Maxon you've got to get up and get ready. We're having breakfast with Lillian this morning, remember?"

That sure got him out of bed. He shot straight up and glanced at his alarm clock.

"She's leaving today isn't she?"

"Yes, that's why we need to have breakfast early so she won't get home too late," I respond.

"Well let's get ready then. I don't want her to have to walk out alone because I chose to sleep in," he says.

I smile and go to call for my maids.

"Good morning Queen America," they all chorus as they enter the room.

"Good morning ladies," I say letting the "Queen" part slip.

I take a quick shower and then let the girls twist my hair into a gorgeous braid.

The dress they have designed for me to wear today is gorgeous, as always. It's blue with a shimmery bodice, embroidery on the top of the shirt, and simple pleats.

Once they have me ready to go I ask for them to bring Marlee in for a minute before I join Maxon downstairs

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Once they have me ready to go I ask for them to bring Marlee in for a minute before I join Maxon downstairs.

It doesn't take Marlee but a few minutes before she enters my room in a hurry. She knows I have somewhere to be this morning, yet I still called her up here.

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