Chapter 36: Lillian's Report

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After the Queen sent me to get ready for my debut on the Report my maids seemed kind of scared of me.

I kind of get why, but I don't actually want to be a brat to everyone. I'm trying to change.

I think I'm going to start by treating my maids the way they deserve to be treated.

"Ms. Lillian, Queen America had us make this dress for you, we hope you like it."

The dress was actually kind of pretty. It's not something I would have chosen for myself, but it's not bad.

"Thank you ladies," I said.

They then helped me get the dress on and I actually looked really good in it.

I can't wait for my friends to see me in this dress on the Report

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I can't wait for my friends to see me in this dress on the Report.

Maybe this opportunity will even land me a job.

Ooh and I can't wait to let the whole country know about my amazing boyfriend.

Jax is the coolest guy in school and he's the captain on the soccer team.

I'm not surprised he wanted to date me though because I'm pretty amazing.

I'll have to make sure to bring Jax up as much as possible.

"Miss Lillian are you ready to go to the room where the Report is filmed," my head maid asks me.

"Yes, I think I am."

As I follow her down to the Report room, one of the guards catches my eye.

And while I know I am dating Jax I just can't help but think that this guard is soo hot. I mean look at him!

I need to stop thinking about him though and focus on what I'm going to say on the Report.

"You can sit here ma'am," a random palace worker informs me.

I sit in my seat and look around to notice all of the lights and cameras.

I knew this place would be fancy but I didn't expect it to be this over the top.

A worker walked up to me to help me put my microphone on and now I'm just waiting for this to start.

While I don't get to sit by the King and Queen's thrones, I do get to sit in a chair next to Gavril.

I have always wanted to meet Gavril, so I guess now is my chance.

"Why hello Lillian. Are you excited to be tonight's special guest on the Report," Gavril asks me.

"Yeah I'm excited, I can't wait until the whole country finds out how amazing I am. Maybe this interview can even help me land a job."

"That sure would be nice to get hired from an interview on the Report. It would be quite impressive and you would probably be a hot topic on it again soon. Well I think we're about to start so we better stop talking and face the cameras."

After Gavril started the show and gave an introduction he turned to me to start my interview.

"Let's get right with the questions here, so Miss Lillian, did you expect to win the photography contest," he asks me.

"I actually did expect to win. I know my pictures are amazing and no one can top them. Most of the contestants were young children anyways and everyone always loves everything I do," I answer smiling.
As Lillian starts her interview I begin to get nervous.

Her first answer was quite rude and I'm not sure how long I can let this go on.

We might have to end her interview soon so she can't say anything worse.

"Well that was quite an answer, how about we move on to the next one," Gavril suggests.

"So I think the country would like to get to know our winner a little bit more I'm going to ask you about your interests. Do you do any extracurricular activities after school," Gavril asks her.

"Yes, I am actually on the cheer team. You see I love cheer because I can scream for my boyfriend Jax. Jax is the caption on the soccer team and he is just so amazing."

I'm trying to see the good in her, but she seems so stuck up. Doesn't she know she is currently on national television.

The entire country is going to see her awful behavior.

I would be beyond embarrassed if I were her.

Maxon doesn't look too pleased with her interview either.

Maybe Gavril will realize how terribly this is going and end it soon.

"Well you do seem like a cheer leader. You have a nice loud voice that is easy to understand and you don't seem shy at all. Those are good qualities all good cheerleaders have," Gavril says.

I'm so glad he didn't even acknowledge how she went off topic and started talking about her boyfriend.

"Thank you, Jax always tells me those same things. Oh and did I mention that Jax is my boyfriend. He's sooo hot and he's so amazing and he's super popular and—"

"Okay, I think we've heard enough about your boyfriend. The entire country tuned in to hear about you not your boyfriend," Gavril says cutting her off.

"Oh well that's too bad because I love talking about Jax," she says acting all sad.

Maxon can tell this interview is annoying me so he keeps rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of my hand.

"Moving on. When did you first notice your love for photography?"

"Well the first time I took a bunch of pictures was on my first date with Jax. You see we were in this field and it was so beautiful so I just started taking pictures of everything. Then, my amazing boyfriend Jax, told me I should become a professional photographer because I was amazing at it. Then I just started taking random pictures when I went places and it's just a passion of mine now."

Can she not answer a single question without mentioning "her amazing boyfriend Jax"??

"Well that's a wonderful story. Our last question for the day is, who is your biggest inspiration," Gavril announces.

This one question I don't think she can possibly mess up.

"The person that inspires me the most is my boyfriend Jax. He's super popular and is the captain of his team. I would love to become the captain of my cheer team."

And I stand corrected.

Just as Lillian was about to add more to her answer she was cut off by the blaring rebel alarm.

People started shouting "REBELS" and Lillian started sprinting out of the room trying to find somewhere safer.

I'm sorry this is so late, but I hope it was better than the last chapter.

There will be a part two type chapter, but I didn't want to continue it on this one because it would have been forever long.

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