Chapter 16: Meetings

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Last night I told Maxon everything about the rebel base.

We came to the conclusion that our advisor David was to be fired before our meeting. He will also be put in the dungeons until we can get the proper information out of him.

Since we have Brooklyn though, I'm sure she can help us get more knowledge on the topic.

We have an advisor meeting planned for nine this morning and then we have a meeting with Brooklyn following.

"Are you ready for our meeting with the advisors darling?" I can't help but smile that he called me darling.

"Yes, lets go." Now we are walking hand in hand to our meeting room.

I'm actually not sure how the advisors will take all of this new information.

David has been here under our noses this whole time and we didn't even know it. Maybe we should do lie detector test on all of our guards and advisors to see if they already knew anything.
America and I started the meeting with our advisors just a few minutes ago. The advisors seem to be very oblivious to what has been going on with David.

I hope they trust us to make the right decisions though. "So, Queen America, why don't you tell us exactly what happened while you were at the rebel base."

I'm glad Stravos asked so I wouldn't have to. I know America isn't excited to share the news with everyone.

"Well when I arrived I was unconscious, so I don't really know much about what happened when I first got there. When I woke up there were lots of people...."

It's hard to listen to her tell this story again. I'm glad she told me last night so I wouldn't cry in front of everyone.

I need to be strong for our country, but most importantly, for America.
   After the meeting with the advisors
After telling the advisors they were all shocked to hear the news, and now Maxon is being super overprotective.

Now if I want to go anywhere I either have to be with Maxon, or have three guards escorting me! I get that he's going to be concerned about me, but he doesn't have to go overboard.

"Are you ready to go speak with Brooklyn?"

"I guess." I am actually glad Brooklyn agreed to come with me, now we can question her and see what all she knows.

"Alright Brooklyn so we understand that you have been under the care of Kriss and her boyfriend David. I'm not sure if you knew this, but your aunt was in the Selection with me and her boyfriend was one of our advisors. Do you know any information about what your parents have been planning?"

"No your Majesty. They never told me anything. Whenever I would question their instructions they would always get super mad at me, so I just quit asking."

"Thank you for your honesty Brooklyn. I believe that you don't know anything and I would like to give you the chance to grow up here in the palace."

"I would be honored your Majesty."

"I'll have Marlee get things set up for you. We'll also get you a tutor so you can do some schoolwork. Officer Avery, could please escort Brooklyn to her new room?"

"Yes your Majesty." I'm so glad Brooklyn is the sweet little girl I thought she was.

Sorry it took so long for me to get this up. The next chapter should be longer, I just wanted this to be kind of a filler chapter.

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