Chapter 24: Pack Your Bags

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I just found out that I have to go to France to sign alliance papers and I need to tell America.

She's probably not going to want me to go, but I have a plan that will hopefully make her like the idea of me going.

I plan on letting her think I'm going without her, and then I'll tell her she's coming too.

I need to hurry up and tell her though because we have to pack and then leave in a few hours.

"America? I have some news to tell you."

"What is it Maxon? Please don't tell me it's bad news."

"Oh it's definitely good news my dear. King Anthony just called me and said he needs me to fly to France tonight so I can sign the alliance papers tomorrow."

This is the part where she might get mad at me.

"Why didn't they let you know ahead of time? I'm going to miss you so much. What if something happens to you while you're gone. I won't be able to sleep here not knowing if you're okay or not. Oh Maxon can I please come with you?"

I kind of thought she would ask to come. "Actually", well now I can't say she can't because when I said that her face fell.

"I was planning on bringing you with me. We can't form an alliance without both the King and the Queen there, now can we?"

I can tell that answer made her happy, her entire face lit up.

"Oh thank you so much Maxon. I love you!"

"I love you too darling! Now let's go pack." I'm glad she seems excited about this trip. It seems like kind of a set back for me though.

The timing isn't good for me since I'm in the middle of planning America's surprise birthday party.

"Since I decided to take you with me I had your maids make you a special French dress.

You will look stunning, as always." I can't wait to see her in the dress I picked out.
I'm so glad Maxon is going to let me go to France with him. He even told me he picked me out a French dress.

He had my maids make me a simpler dress for the plane ride and when we get there, and then a fancier dress for tomorrow.

The evening dress that I am to put on now is shorter and it's pink with embroidered flowers on it. It also has a pink belt and pleats at the bottom. It's really pretty.

I can't wait to see what Maxon picked out for me to wear all day tomorrow in front of the French royal family.

Now I just have to let my maids get me ready, eat dinner, and then get on the plane with Maxon.

I was going to have to pack too, but Brooklyn said she would pack for me, and since Maxon already picked out my two dresses there isn't much else to pack anyways.

MaxonSince I picked out two dresses for America, packing should be easier for her

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Since I picked out two dresses for America, packing should be easier for her.

I hope she enjoys our trip. This will be the first trip we will have taken together for business. The only other trip we have taken so far was for our honeymoon.

Since we went to Italy for our honeymoon America hasn't ever been to France.

The French palace has some beautiful gardens I bet she would like to visit. I plan on staying for three days so we can sign all the legal documents and then relax for a day or so.

America doesn't know that part though. Also I don't know why, but America all of a sudden seems nervous about our trip.

Maybe she's just worried about the plane ride. I hope that's all it is. I never want my America to have to worry about anything.

I just wish it was as simple as that.

I can tell America's favorite part about the plane ride is meeting the people on our way on and off of the plane.

She's so caring and she wants what's best for all of Illea's citizens. I admire that about her. Well actually I admire a lot of things about her, that just so happens to be one of the things I admire.

"America love, if we don't hurry we will be late for our flight. We wouldn't want to keep the French waiting."

"Okay Maxon let's go." She seems kind of sad to leave the people. There are lots of people here holding signs with our names on them.

Our citizens can all tell that there will be something different with mine and America's reign. One of the major things I'm working on is eliminating the castes.

Hopefully the people will love the idea. It's only benefiting them.

Soon every Illean citizen will be able to apply for any job they want. They won't be held to such boundaries.

I hope our citizens will be pleased with their new lives.

I hope my reign is as different as the people hope.

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Also, this chapter is a little short and not much happens but this was meant to be a filler chapter.

Should there be drama with Daphne in France? Let me know what you think!

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