Chapter 37: Surprise Hostage

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As soon as I heard the alarm I sprinted out of the room.

I had heard that rebels sometimes attack the palace and I did not want caught up in that.

I need to find somewhere safe, but the problem is that I have no clue where I am.

This is so not good, who is going to protect me from those evil murderers?!

"Miss," I hear someone yell.

I turn around to see one of my maids and I run into her open arms.

"Come now Lillian, we have to get you to a safe room."

As she's walking me to the safe room, I wonder what happened to the King and Queen.

They were so nice to me, I hope nothing bad happens to them.

"Here we are," the maid says as she pushes me inside a safe room.

I spot the King and Queen and run over to hug Queen America.

"Oh Lillian we were so worried about you, are you alright," the Queen asks me.

"Yes I'm fine. I just got a little rattled when I first heard the alarm."

"Well we're glad your maid found you and that you're okay," King Maxon says.

"Thank you your Majesty," I reply.

After about thirty minutes I could still hear the fighting outside the door.

"About how long do attack's usually last?"

"It's different every time, but they are usually hours long," Queen America says.

"Wow, that's a really long time," I say.

                  (4 hours later)
About four hours later some guards came to open the doors.

They said they had some hostages and that they wanted to see all of us, including me.

I wonder why they would want to meet me.

I wonder if they came here to kidnap me. That would be so scary.

"Lillian," the maid says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"The Queen wanted to know if you would like to see the rebels that requested your presence."

"I guess I would, if that's okay with the Queen."

As we got closer and closer to the room I was getting more and more nervous.

I don't know who these people are. They are all dangerous murderers for all I know.

Following after the King and Queen, I walked into the interrogation room.

"Now, if you recognize any of these rebels please let us know," the King says to me.

As I look around the room I don't recognize any of them... that is until my eye catches the last person.


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And what about Jax? Is he a rebel, or is it just a coincidence? Let me know what you think in the comments.

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