Chapter 22: Family Gathering

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America's family has been here for a week now and America and I have been working nonstop.

We are working on eliminating caste eight, and doing so takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Since we've been working so much we haven't really seen America's family since the day they got here.

Usually we end up having dinner brought up to our offices so we can continue working.

I think America deserves a little bit of a break from the hard work. Therefore I plan on taking the day off with America tomorrow so we can spend some more time with her family.

I just have to get through a little more paper work before I can go to bed and surprise America in the morning.
My family has been here for a week now and I've only gotten to see them once.

Even though they are living here right now I just don't have the time to talk with them. Maxon and I have spent every waking moment on figuring out how to eliminate caste eight.

I think we are about there and we have a good plan that we are currently acting on. I'm getting in bed now so hopefully tomorrow isn't as stressful.

Maybe I could even have dinner with my family. Yes that's what I'll do, I'll try to fit dinner into my ever long schedule.

The next morning
I just woke up and looked at the time and it's already nine o'clock!

"Maxon! Why didn't you wake me up? Do you know it's already nine?!"

"Go back to sleep my dear, I gave us the day off." Is he serious. While I would love to have a day off, we have lots of work that needs to get done.

Oh well, I guess I won't argue with extra sleep and time to spend with Maxon and my family.

"Why don't we get up and start our day then? I can get breakfast sent up here since we already missed it in the dining room. Then maybe we could see my family."

"That sounds wonderful darling." I'm so excited for today. Ooh and we should also invite Amberley to hang out with the rest of us.

"Maxon do you think we could also invite your mom to hang out with us and my family."

"That's a great idea America! I'll have a maid send her an invitation to meet us in the parlor by the ballroom."

Yay, this day is just getting better and better.
I just got woken up by a maid knocking on my door. I wonder what they want?

"Hello miss, can I help you?"

"King Maxon and Queen America just wanted me to give you this."

"Thank you." Well let's see what this says.

Dear mom,
America and I have taken the day off and wanted to spend it together with family. America's family has been here for a week already and we've only seen them once. You also live here all the time and we haven't seen you recently. We just wanted to invite you to the parlor beside the ballroom for a family gathering. We should be down there by ten. Hope you are able to join us.
Your son,

Aw that was so sweet. I'm glad they thought to invite me.

I've only met America's family a few times and that includes when they came during the selection and their wedding.

Magda seems like a nice person, I'd like to be closer to her. I'll make sure to be there today. This sounds like fun.
I'm excited for Maxon to get to spend more time with my family.

I think it's important for him to be close to them too. And he's so cute with Astra.

"Are you about ready America?"

"Yep, I'm ready. Let's go."

This should be a fun day. Maybe Maxon could also play with Gerad. I know Gerad would love that.

We're here now, and I don't think they've noticed. They're all watching a movie or something on the tv.


"America," May shouted.

"Hey May, Maxon and I took the day off so we wanted to spend it with you guys."

I'm glad Amberley was able to show up too. I can tell it means a lot to her that she was invited.

"Hey Kenna would you and James like to go on a date tonight? Maxon and I would love to watch Astra for you."

"That would be great America, thanks!" Maxon will be really happy to play with baby Astra.

"King Maxon? Would you please play ball with me?"

"Gerad you know I told you to just call me Maxon. But I would love to play ball with you."

"Thanks uncle Maxon." It's so sweet how Maxon is so nice to my younger siblings.

"Thanks for saying you'll play with Gerad, I can tell it means a lot to him," I whispered. He just smiled and is now on his way outside to play soccer with Gerad.

"James why don't you go with Maxon and Gerad, I'm sure the three of you would have fun."

"Actually I think I'll go."

"Since it's just us ladies now, why don't we all go sit in the women's room."

Once we get in there I really want to hold Astra. I know will we be watching her later, but Maxon will probably want to hold her the whole time.
I've spent all day with America's family and had lots of fun. America and I now have Astra for the evening so Kenna and James can go on a date.

Astra is the cutest baby ever. She makes me want one of my own. I think she likes me too. America seems to like it that I like being with her family. I know it means a lot to her.

I have genuinely had fun today though. I'm not just saying it because I know America would want me to.

I just got Astra to laugh really hard and now she is puking all over me.

"America! Can you please help me, or get a maid?"

I kind of feel bad for yelling at her, but she isn't over here and I need help. "What Maxon? Oh no!" Yep she just noticed the puke.

"Bring her into the bathroom and we can clean you both up." This is disgusting, this is one of the reasons why I'm glad America and I don't have kids yet.

After we got cleaned up Astra she fell right asleep and we laid her down in our bed.

Kenna and James should be here any minute to come get her. *knock knock* "Hey Kenna", America said.

"Astra threw up all over Maxon earlier and once we got her cleaned up she went right to sleep."

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that, we'll take her for the night now. Thanks for watching her."

"We'd be happy to do it again sometime," I said while smiling.

That was actually pretty fun. America even let me hold her for most of the time.

Now that they're gone we can get in bed and go to sleep. "That was fun America."

"Yeah I agree."

"Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight Maxon." And with that we both fell into a deep sleep.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know you're thoughts on this chapter in the comments.

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