Chapter 27: Allies

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Ahhhhhh guys! I think we might actually get a Selection movie this time! I'm so excited! Let me know if you think we'll end up getting the movies in the comments.

Once I ran America to the infirmary they made me stay in the waiting room while they ran some tests.

A few hours later they ended up letting me in her room for me to come face to face with an unconscious America.

Now I've been sitting here holding her hand for four hours praying that she will wake up soon and be alright.

"King Maxon, your presence has been requested at dinner with the French royal family."

"Tell then I'm not leaving America's side and that they can eat without me."

"Yes your Majesty."
I just woke up to a bunch of bright lights and someone holding my hand.

I looked over and realized that Maxon was the one beside me and relief flooded through me. "Maxon?" I could only whisper his name, my voice didn't seem to be very strong at the moment.

He then suddenly jerked his head towards me. "America! How are you feeling my love?"

I couldn't help but smile at what he called me. "My voice seems a little dry and I feel pretty weak. Other than that though I'm fine. How long was I out for?"

"You were unconscious for over eight hours America. Eight hours! I was panicking that I wouldn't ever be able to see your beautiful blue eyes ever again. I love you so much, I'm so glad you're alright."

I hate that I did that to him, I wish Daphne could have just talked to me instead of hurting me.

"Where's Daphne?"

"I actually don't know. Wait. Was she the one that did this to you? I can't believe her!"

"Maxon calm down, it's okay. I think Daphne learned her lesson. I'd like to talk to her though. She may not have been nice to me, but that doesn't mean I have to be mean to her."

He doesn't seem to like my answer. It seems as if he really wants to punish her.

"I just don't understand how she could have done that to you, and then you want to just talk to her."

"It's okay Maxon. I promise. Can we set up a meeting with just the two of us tomorrow? If at all possible I would like to just go to our room and rest for the rest of the night."

"I think we can make that work."

That night we went to our room and slept until morning. We had scheduled a meeting for me to have with Daphne at 9:30 this morning and I'm just now getting ready.

I brought my maids with me, so they are here to help me get ready.

Today I get to wear the other French dress Maxon picked out for me, and it's gorgeous. The dress is a floor length gown that's purple with embroidered flowers all over it.

The dress even has long flowy sleeves that are only attached to the top of my shoulder. It's actually really comfortable too.

I sure hope today goes better than yesterday.

I got to the meeting early so I'm just sitting in here by myself for now

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I got to the meeting early so I'm just sitting in here by myself for now.

Hopefully Daphne will be in a good mood and want to talk. I wonder if she actually feels bad for what she did to me yesterday.

Well I guess I'm about to find out because she's walking in now.

"Hey America. Before you say anything I just want to say that I'm really sorry or the way I behaved yesterday. I should never have done that to you. You didn't deserve that. I just keep playing what you said in my head and I'm scared to admit that you were right. I can see how much you and Maxon love each other, and yes I did love him at one point. Hearing what you said though made me realize that I do want him do be happy and if his happiness means he's married to you. Then at least he's happy. I know I have Frederick and I really like him, so now I've decided to get over Maxon and focus on my relationship with Frederick. I'm sorry again America for everything I've put you through. If you think you could ever forgive me I'd actually like to be friends."

Woah. I was not expecting that.

"I'm so glad you've changed for the better Daphne. I actually already forgave you as soon as I woke up in the hospital. And of course I would love to be friends. I know what it's like to have your heart broken. When my heart was broken and I thought I couldn't ever love anyone again Maxon helped me pick up the pieces of my broken heart and now I love him more than I've ever loved anyone else. I really hope that you find your happily ever after with Frederick."

"Thank you America! I don't deserve to be friends with someone as nice and forgiving as you. You have no clue how much your words mean to me. I'm glad we can put our differences aside and become friends."

"Me too."

On our way back to Illea I felt very accomplished. Not only had we made strong allies with another country, but I had made a close friend.

Once Daphne and I put our differences aside we started talking regularly. When we left we promised to keep in touch and visit again soon.

I'm so glad to back home at the palace again, but going to France wasn't so bad after all.

I think I'm starting to like being Queen a lot more now.

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