Chapter 35: Meeting The Winner

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Today we get to meet Lillian. I'm so excited to hear all about her life in Carolina.

Maxon wants me to make sure I keep my guard up because we don't know her true nature.

I think she will be lovely. She's only 15 anyways.

I've decided that I'm going to provide her with a gown to wear and she'll get to end up keeping it.

Hopefully she will be super excited about her visit and will enjoy her bonus gift.

We advertised that the winner would just get to have dinner with us.

What we didn't tell the country is that we would fly them to the palace in the morning and fly them out the next day.

We wanted the winner to get to experience life as a royal for a whole day.

I think we are even going to let Lillian be interviewed on the Report.

That will probably be very exciting for her.

I know if I hadn't ended up marrying Maxon, May would have loved to have had this opportunity.

Lillian should be here soon so I must get everything ready within the next hour.

There really isn't much to do, I just want her stay to be as amazing as she imagined it.

All I have to do is make sure her room is ready and her dress has been made.

I'll go do those two things now and then go find Maxon.
America seems really excited to meet Lillian.

She even had a dress made for her.

I'd like to spend some time with her before Lillian gets here though.

We've been so busy since we've been back that we haven't gotten to spend any time together.

We really only see each other when we go to bed and wake up, and that's only when we end up sleeping at the same times.

We don't really ever get to have normal conversations like regular couples.

I should convince her to set some time aside for us to spend together.

It should be an easy task to convince her.

I know she hates not being together all day.

Dinner should at least be a family ordeal. Even though there's only two of us right now.

Maybe when we have kids we'll get to spend some more time together.

That sounds amazing. I hope it actually happens.

The country would love to hear about their new royal heir too.

I know the people still love me but I'm sure they would love my baby even more.

My mom would probably like it even more if we were to have a baby soon.

She has always been waiting for the day she gets to have her own grandchildren.

"Maxon," America says interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes my love."

"I know we haven't gotten to spend much time together since we got back, so I was wondering if you would like to join me for a picnic breakfast in the garden," she says smiling at me.

"That sounds lovely darling."

I'm glad she also thinks we need to spend more time together.

I know she never wanted to be Queen, but I don't know what I would do without her.

I love her so much, it pains me to think about what life would be without her.

Luckily I have no reason to think like that.
After my picnic with Maxon, Lillian arrived.

She seems really sweet.

When I told her about how I had her a dress made that she would get to wear on the Report, she squealed.

I love how a simple act of kindness can change someone's life.

"So Lillian, what's your favorite thing to do in Carolina," I ask her.

"I really enjoy being on the cheer team for my high school. I'm pretty close with most of the girls and it just comes naturally to me. My boyfriend is also on the soccer team so I love cheering him on," she tells me.

"That's so sweet. Well I'm sorry to have to end this chat, but if you want to get ready for the Report you should probably go now. I'll see you later," I say as I let a guard escort her to her room.

This report should be interesting.

Thanks for reading!

You probably thought that chapter was terrible but hopefully I can make it up to you in the next one.

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