Chapter 38: I Can't Believe Him

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Thank you all so much for reading my story I can't believe I already have 4,000 reads! You guys are amazing! I started this for fun and never expected anyone to actually read it so it really brightens my day to read your all's comments and see that people are reading my story.

Walking into that room and seeing Jax broke my heart.

Even if I don't always show it, I really do care about him. I don't just use him for the popularity.

I really hope this is just a coincidence and that he isn't actually a rebel.

He knew I would be in the palace today, so why would he lead an attack?

"Do you know any of these people," Queen America ask me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that one is Jax... my boyfriend," I whisper.

All she does is hug me.

She must know how it feels to feel so betrayed.

She then pulls me and the King out of the room to speak with us.

"So Jax in there... is Lillian's... boyfriend, and so I was thinking maybe she could talk to him alone," the Queen says.

"If that's what she wants, I'll make it happen."

I nod and he steps back into the room to make the arrangements.

When he comes out there is a guard walking behind him dragging a handcuffed Jax with him.

I guess they are bringing him to a separate room so we can speak without the other captives hearing.

Who knows, maybe Jax didn't even want to be part of this.

Maybe he was just coming to visit me and got caught up in the attack.

I really hope he isn't guilty of any of this.

The Queen then led me to a room to meet with Jax, there were also guards in there, obviously.

"Are you going to stay with me," I ask the Queen.

"You'll be safe with the guards, I was going to let you talk to him on your own unless you want me or Maxon in there with you."

"No, that's fine with me," I say with a weak smile.

"Alright then, he will be cuffed to a table and chair so even if he tries to get violent with anyone he won't be able to touch you. This is the safest way possible for you to speak with him," Queen America tells me.

"Thank you," I say right before I walk into the interrogation room.

When I walk in I see about six guards surrounding the room with Jax handcuffed in the center of the room.

I take a seat in the chair provided for me, and all the questions start rushing out.

"Why? What are you doing here? How did you get in? Why did you do this? Are you even part of the attack? Why would you do this to me?"

"Ma'am why don't you repeat those questions one at a time so he has time to answer," one of the guards suggests.

"Okayy. So, Jax, what are you doing here in the palace? You knew I would be here. What was the point of you coming here?"

"What are you talking about? I've been doing this for three years now. How have you not noticed? Are you that ignorant," he says in a menacing tone.

I shy away from his smirk.

I never thought for a moment that he snuck off all the time to come attack the palace.

Also, he knew I was going to be here, so why would he do it now?!

"Well if you've been doing it that long, why did you have to come tonight when you knew I would be here?"

"I thought it might be fun to scare you. And that was in the case that you were super dumb and didn't know I was a rebel," Jax says.

He thought it would be fun to scare me!

I can not believe him! How could he do this to me?!

"Well of course I didn't know. You never told me, how else was I supposed to find out," I ask basically screaming at him.

"Woah chill. I don't know how you wouldn't know. I'm pretty sure I've even mentioned it to you accidentally a few times and it should be obvious because they've gotten footage of me before."

What?! There has been footage of my boyfriend attacking the palace!

I can't do this anymore I have to end this right now.

"Well since you seem so confident in your answers I'm going to be confident in saying we are over!"

As soon as I said "over" I ran out of the interrogation room right into the Queen's arms.

I couldn't stay with a criminal.

Oh no, I even talked about how great he was on the Report.

Now the whole country is going to think nothing but bad thoughts about me.

They will all hate me.

At that I start crying.

Thank you for reading this! I am so sorry for taking so long to update. It has been a little over a month since I updated and I deeply apologize for that. If I ever take a long time to update please leave me a comment telling me to update. Not a day later, but if it's been a week or so, feel free to let me know.

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