Chapter 3: What Happened?

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As I'm trying to open my eyes I'm realizing that I have no idea where I am.

Why are there so many bright lights?

Where's Maxon?

Why does my back hurt so much?

I keep asking myself these questions but no one seems to be around to answer them.

I'm trying to look around and it seems that I'm in a hospital but it doesn't look like any of the infirmary rooms in the palace.

I need to figure out where I am and how I got here.

I guess I'll just lay here and pretend to be asleep and see if I can get any information.

I'm about to lay back down when the door opens and King Clarkson suddenly appears.

He looks panicked but I don't know why.

That's when all the memories flood back into my head.

King Clarkson caned me.

I don't know what to do but I need Maxon.

"Ah well it seems like you're finally awake. You're probably wondering where you are."

Then the thought crosses my brain. Am I still in the palace?

"You are still in the palace and there is one doctor here that knows about the caning his name is doctor Ashlar and any time you get caned you will get taken to this room to be tended to.

Under no circumstances will Maxon find out about this.

The only other people that will know are your maids so when they help dress you and pick out your clothes you so will be taken care of appropriately.

"Am I clear?"

"Yes your majesty."

"Now, Mary will be taking you to your room to get ready for lunch."

I'm nervous about Maxon finding out and I don't know how I'll make it so he won't.

I'll have to come up with an excuse to stay in my room by myself tonight so he won't be suspicious when I only sleep on my stomach.
I am just now getting out of my meeting and it's already 1:00.

Lunch isn't until 1:30 so I have to do some paperwork before I get to see America again.

I hope my father has left America alone today.

Huh it's strange that I haven't seen him around today.

Well I guess I'll try and finish most of my work now so I can be with America after dinner.
I'm finally done getting ready again.

My maids keep saying they're sorry or that they wish this hadn't happened to me but all I can think about is what I'm going to tell Maxon.

I can't tell him what happened because then the King might cane him too, and I can't let that happen.

Oh, I just got a good idea.

I need to ask the doctor that helped with my wounds to diagnose me with the flu and say that I can't sleep with Maxon.

I'll have to go ask right now before I go to the dining room so I can ask for lunch in my room.
                   In the infirmary
I'm now in the infirmary and I need to find doctor Ashlar.

I think I'll just ask the lady at the front desk to find him for me.

"Hello miss, do you know where I can find doctor Ashlar?"

"Oh! Why hello your highness, I'll go find him for you."

"Thank you!"

I'm really nervous because I don't want to get in trouble for getting a fake diagnosis, and when Maxon eventually finds out I don't want him to be mad at me.

I'll just have to wait and see what doctor Ashlar says about my plan.

"Princess America."

My name was just called. That must be doctor Ashlar.

"Hello Princess, what can I do for you today?"

"I was hoping you would diagnose me with the flu so I would have to stay away from Maxon for a while.

I don't think I can keep my back a secret from him if I am around him all the time.

He would notice without me saying anything."

"Very well then. I'll diagnose you with the flu and you will be on bed rest for the week. However, Maxon will be allowed to check on you in twenty minute increments since that's what our normal flu policy is. I'll make sure he knows the rules."

"Thank you so much doctor Ashlar!"

"Anytime Princess!"

Now I am leaving to go on bed rest for a week. Yay me! (Note the sarcasm) I can't wait for this week to be over.
Finally I have finished all of my work for the day.

I didn't have as much as expected so I should be done for the day and it's only lunch time!

I'm so excited, I'll get to spend some time with America tonight.

Hopefully she won't have much work left too so we can be together.
                        At lunch
I hope America is already in the dining room since she's not out here to walk in with me.

"You may open the doors now officers."

As I'm walking in I wonder where America is.

Why isn't she sitting at the table.

Where is she?

Is she okay?

I need to find out where she is.

"Hey mom, have you seen America?"

"Sorry Maxon, I have not. Clarkson have you seen America today?"

If he has seen her and no one else has this isn't good news.

"As a matter of fact yes I have seen her. I believe she was coming out of the infirmary. Poor thing."

How dare he! Somehow I know he had something to do with this.

I have to go find America but I'll get in trouble if I don't eat first so I'm gonna eat as fast as I can.
I just got put on bed rest and I'm now in my room.

I really want Maxon to come visit me so I won't be so lonely, but I think one of my maids will be allowed to stay so I won't be alone.

I really hope Maxon doesn't try to stay with me and say he doesn't care if he gets sick.

While that would be so sweet I just can't be around him for too long or he'll notice and he could get hurt.

I hope King Clarkson never canes me again. I hate being away from Maxon and lying to him.

Sorry this stopped so abruptly if I had kept going it would have been forever long lol. Please give me feedback on this chapter and let me know of any ideas you might have.

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