Chapter 11: Secrets and Plans

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This morning Maxon and I are meeting with the advisors. I'm nervous about how early they think the coronation should be. I hope they give us at least a month.

"America are you ready to go in?"

"I think so." He squeezed my hand and now we are walking in.

"You may be seated." Wow the advisors are already treating us like we're the King and Queen.

"As you know since the King has died we will have to have your coronation sooner than expected. You will pick a date within the next two months."

Okay that gives us a little more time than expected. "Thank you, we'll have another meeting soon."

I feel so authoritative sitting here telling the advisors what's going to happen. Once we become the King and Queen they can't boss us around anymore.

That's the one thing I'm really looking forward to. "You are dismissed."

Finally this meeting is over. Now I just need to gather all of my friends in the women's room and start planning this coronation.
I know Maxon and America think they will be Illéa's next crowned King and Queen but to their surprise they won't.

Since I'm dating David, one of their trusted advisors I have all of their coronation information.

When they fail to be prepared in time someone else will have to take the throne. Then I have a miraculous plan on how I will claim the throne.

They won't even know what hit them. I'll ask to "help" America but I'll actually be sabotaging their coronation.

They don't know about my new position yet but they will soon enough.
Since Princess America and Prince Maxon are having their coronation in six weeks I have hardly any time to get everything ready in time.

"Princess America, who would you like to come visit the palace to help you plan your coronation and then the coronation ball? They can stay until after the ball if they would like."

"I think I'll just invite my mom, May, Kenna, Marlee, Celeste, and Princess Nicoletta."

At least she doesn't want a ton of people. This shouldn't be to hard. Queen Amberley is also here to help too so this should run smoothly.
I am now super excited for my coronation. Sylvia let me invite whoever I wanted to help me plan and they can all stay at the palace until after the coronation ball.

I'm only inviting my closest friends and family. My maids said they're working on a beautiful dress for me to wear so I should be confident in it.

This feels like wedding planning all over again except we have even less time. Right now we are working on the color scheme.

I think we're going to do blue, silver, and white. We have to get this palace decorated and guest lists sent out in the next three weeks.

This is going to be stressful. I can't wait until this is over.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know of any ideas you have for the next chapter, in the comments! I also started a new story called "Carolina Prep".

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