Chapter 9: Rebels!

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I haven't seen America in a few hours. I wonder where she is. I think I'll go look in the women's room and see if she's in there.

BEEP BEEP BEEP Ugh why do the rebels have to keep coming at the most inconvenient times!!

BEEP BEEP BEEP Well I should probably get in a safe room.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there."

I just ran into someone and I instinctively grabbed them before they fell. Wait a minute I just caught America. Why is she crying?

"America!" She's looking at me now but she's statue still.

I'm now picking her up bridle style and I'm running around looking for an open safe room.
Of all people why did I just have to run into Maxon? I don't feel like I'm ready to tell him yet, but now he's carrying me towards a safe room.

I'm just going to have to tell him. The edges of my vision are still black, but the rebel alarm went off right before I could black out.

I'm surprised that Maxon hasn't noticed my back yet since my dress is completely revealing it.
We just got in a safe room, and I can't help but tell that America is in pain.

Also when I was carrying her instead of relaxing into my touch she seemed uncomfortable and had a pained expression on her face.

I can't help but think that something is wrong. Looking down at her though, she seems to be asleep.

Well I guess I'll let her rest. As I'm laying her down on the cot I can't help but notice her flinch even in her unconscious state.

I'm now looking down at my hands and I'm just now noticing that they are covered in blood. America's blood! Oh no! How did I let this happen to her? When did this even happen? It had to have happened recently.

Then I realized exactly what she is wearing. Her dress is completely open in the back with scars and open wounds.

There's only one person who would ever do this to her. My father. How could he?! He has no right to touch her!

I will make sure nothing else ever happens to her. Right after I take care of her back.
I woke up only a few minutes ago and I'm already crying due to the pain.

Maxon has been cleaning up my back with the supplies here in the safe room, but he doesn't have the proper accommodations to really help the pain.

I can tell he hates seeing me like this. I need to put on a brave face though and hope he doesn't get mad when I tell him what's been happening.


"Yes my dear?"

"Maxon I'm not your dear but I think you should know the truth about what has been happening to me, and why my back looks like this."
America just told me about how my father caned her and how if she told me he would cane me too.

I know she thinks that's a good reason not to tell me, and that she was trying to protect me, I just wish she would have told me.

"America you know you could have told me. I could have possibly stopped this from happening or I could have at least helped you get through it. You've been really distant recently and I get why now, I just want you to know you can always confide in me. I love you America, more than you will ever know."

Now the door to our safe room is starting to open to reveal several guards.

"I found them! Prince Maxon! Princess America! I'm so terribly sorry but I'm afraid I have some bad news for you."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's so short I just wanted to build up some suspense for the next chapter. What do you think the bad news will be? Will it change their future forever? Please leave your feedback in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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