Chapter 26: Tea Time

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I can't believe America took my man and doesn't expect me to resent her for it.

How could she do that to me?! I am the princess of France and some random five gets to just come in and marry Maxon.

This is so not fair. I've got to get Maxon back. I just don't know how. First of all I should probably remind America that I will never give up on Maxon. He. Will. Be. Mine.

By the time they have to go back to Illea, and America will be completely out of the picture, forever.
Maxon and I just sat down at the table for breakfast. Daphne hasn't said a word to me, but I can tell she's mad at me.

How can she blame me? I mean I love Maxon and Maxon loves me. I don't see any extra room for her anywhere.

I really don't want to be alone with her today, but I have a feeling that I'll have to be while Maxon works on the alliance papers with King Anthony.

Also while Daphne isn't talking to anyone she keeps going from glaring at me, to looking at Maxon like he's the love of her life.

Doesn't she have that one guy. Oh what's his name. Oh yeah Frederick. Why doesn't she just marry Frederick. Maxon and I are obviously married, why can't she just move on.

I guess it might be easier said than done, but she doesn't have to resent me for marrying Maxon.

Once we finished our delicious breakfast of brasillé, eggs, croissants, and some fresh fruit Maxon had to go to a meeting.

He said he shouldn't be long and so the Queen invited me to go with her to the women's room, along with Daphne.

While I didn't want to go be with Daphne, at least I wouldn't be completely alone with her.

"Could you please get us something to drink?"

The Queen asked one of her servants. "Now how are you liking your new role Queen America?"

"To be honest at first I wasn't very keen on the idea of becoming Queen. But then I realized that if I had to become Queen to be with Maxon, I could do it. He's always been there for me and helped me in every way he can. Without Maxon I wouldn't want to be the Queen, but I feel like I'm adjusting quite well to my new role. Thank you for asking."

Did I just hear Daphne mutter "that's it" under her breath?

"Here are your drinks ladies. Also, your majesty you are needed in a meeting."

"Well I'll let you two girls get to know each other better. Have a nice time. See you later Queen America."

Aww the Queen is so nice, I wish Daphne liked me as much as her mother seems to.

"Listen here you little rat. I am the Princess of France and if I want something, I'm gonna get it! You think you can just enter the Selection and marry the Prince? Well think again because I love Maxon and I always have, and you are not going to be the one to take him away from me!"

"What are you talking about? I love Maxon and Maxon loves me. I didn't marry him for anything except the person he is inside. I didn't marry him because he's a prince. I would have married him if he was an eight because Maxon is a good person. And we are married so there is nothing you can do about it. The only reason you even want him is for power. You don't love him or you would see that he is super happy with me. If you ever loved him you will respect his choice to marry me and stop trying to get rid of me. You're acting like a spoiled brat!"

Oh no I think I might have pushed her over the edge. Now she has a menacing glare and she's coming at me. I'm too shocked to even scream.

This does not seem like it is going to end well.
America's words pushed me over the edge.

I can't believe she just said that to me! Ughhhhh! I can't stand her! I have to do something to stop her from getting in my way of Maxon.

I just threw my tea cup at America, then I shoved her to the ground. Once i got her on the ground I gagged her and tied her to a chair. Now I can leave and go find Maxon.

"Hey Maxon."

"Hi Daphne, do you know where America is?" Ugh why does he care so much about America.

"Um nope I haven't seen her. I think she might have gone to the bathroom or something but I'm not sure. Do you want to go take a walk in the gardens or something? I know you like the gardens here."

"Yes I do enjoy the gardens here, but America doesn't know her way around here. I've got to go find her."

Why does he even bother when I'm standing right here. He just left me for America. Now I'm stuck with Frederick. Of all my suitors I definitely like Frederick the most, but he's no Maxon.

I better get out of here before Maxon sees what I've done to his precious wife. Oh no, I didn't think about what Maxon would think about what I've done.

Now he'll hate me even more. Oh no. What have I done?
After Daphne gagged me and tied me to a chair I felt really weak.

I was also scared of what else she might try to do to me, then I was really angry at her for what she had done to me.

However, now I feel sorry for her. She tied me here so she could try to take my husband who just so happens to be the man she loves. I kind of feel bad for her that the one man she feels that she truly loves is already married. And she feels that the only way she can be happy is to try and destroy my life.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't in pain right now and if I said I wished Maxon wouldn't come rescue me, but I also hope Daphne learns a lesson from this.

I also hope that once this is sorted out that she finds her happily ever after with someone that isn't already married.

Daphne just told me that my America is in this palace by herself. I'm walking in the women's room to see if she came back in here.

Oh my goodness, what happened to my America?! "America my dear, are you alright?"

Of course she's not alright why am I even asking her that? "Here let me help you out of there."

I can't believe someone did this to her. "America who did this to you?"

"Daphne." I cant believe Daphne would do this to my America! She's going to be in big trouble.

"Let's get you to the infirmary. Try to keep your eyes open. Please don't go to sleep on me."

And with that her eyes started to close and I ran as fast as I could to the infirmary.

I tried to make this a longer chapter so I hope it was worthy of it's wait.

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What do you think will happen next? Will America be ok? What will happen to Daphne? Find out in the next chapter!

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