Chapter 25: French Terriotry

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Our plane ride went as smoothly as expected. We just landed and now we have to ride to the French palace to meet the French royal family.

I'm kind of nervous to meet the French princess, Daphne.

I hope she realizes that Maxon is married now and that she can't have him. He told me he never even felt that way towards her. Hopefully she's nice to me.

I plan on acting like she doesn't bother me until she actually does something.

"America love, are you excited to be here in France?"

I'm actually not excited because of Daphne, but I don't want Maxon to know that.

"Yes I'm very excited, especially since you're here with me." I love Maxon so much, if he wasn't here with me, there would be no way I would come here.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully we can use one of our extra days here to spend time together."

"I would love that Maxon." I hope we actually get to spend some time together.

I don't want to be stuck sitting in a room with Daphne for the duration of our stay.

Well, I guess I'll just have to make the best of it.

"Hello King Maxon and Queen America, welcome to France."

"Hello, thank you for inviting us to stay in your beautiful home." The Queen seems really nice.

Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all. We got here pretty late though so I'm pretty tired.

"Since it's so late I'll let Daphne show you two to your room," King Anthony said.

"Thank you King Anthony. It was a long trip from Illea." I can't wait to get in bed. Our flight was really long.

Daphne is showing us to our room now and she keeps glaring at me.

I have a bad feeling that she hates me. She'll probably do anything she can to get rid of me. I mean I don't blame her, who wouldn't want to be with Maxon, but come on, he's married.

"Well here's your room, I'll see you in the morning Maxon."

What? Why did she only acknowledge Maxon?

"Come on America let's go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow and we had a long flight today."

Since I'm so tired I couldn't be more happy that he wants to sleep instead of talking about what we're doing tomorrow.

"Goodnight Maxon."

"Goodnight my love." And those were the last words said before we both fell asleep.

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Sorry for such a short chapter this was more of a filler chapter. I should have another chapter for you all this weekend.

Let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments. Hope you enjoyed!!

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