Chapter 43: Learning French and Packing

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After Maxon's confusion had worn off, he remembered to inform me that we have to fly to France.

We have exactly three days until we have to leave and there are many things we have to do.

I have to pack, make time to learn a little French, plan what I'm going to say to Daphne, and help Maxon with any paperwork he needs me to take care of.

"America, why don't I help you with some French for a while and then we can get on with our other tasks," he says smiling at me.

"I would love to learn from you, but aren't you too busy to help me with something like that," I ask, my face falling.

"I always have time for you, and you need to learn anyways, so why not do it together," he says, un phased by my worry.

"Alright then, this should be fun," I say with a little more enthusiasm.

Maxon goes to grab a few things from his room while I walk into my study.

I don't know how Maxon seems to know every language. I bet he started learning them when he was really young so he could talk to the other children when they visited.

Are our children going to have to learn those things at a very young age too?

"Okay, so I brought a few of the books from when I first started learning French and I think I'll be able to use them to help you," he says, interrupting my thoughts.

He set the first one down in front of me, and all of the words look so confusing. I have no clue what the words translate to in English.

He glances over at my confused state and chuckles. "It's okay, I knew you wouldn't know any of these words. I'm only going to go over some of the ones you might want to know for our trip."

I nod and glance back down at the book. The last time we went to France, no one expected me to know any French. I'm guessing they will expect me to know at least a little bit now though.

"I think we should go over introductions first," Maxon declares.

He flips to the page of names and starts pointing some out.

"Alright, so usually you would say "Thank you for welcoming us to your fine home, I am Queen America" let's break that apart."

"That sounds like a lot, but hopefully it will be easier learned in parts," I say.

"It should be. Let's start with 'thank you', in French, you would say 'merci'."

After just two tries Maxon says I am pronouncing the word correctly and we move on.

After almost half an hour I have perfected the phrase. "merci de nous accueillir dans votre belle maison, je suis Queen America".

"Yes! You're doing great America. I don't think anyone will except you to know very much, but that phrase will be good for you to know," he proudly states.

"Should we take a break now and work on other things?"

"I'd say that would be best, you can go pack and I will work on some paperwork," he says walking towards the door.

We then both exit my study and I head to my room. I don't know how long we will be staying so I'll probably need to select multiple outfits to take.

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