Chapter 5: Who are you?

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I know that America just woke up and that she's disoriented but I would have thought she would at least remember me.

She yanked her hand out of my grasp and when I tried to kiss her she scolded me.

She's really worrying me right now. Did she lose her memory?

I really need the doctors to quit yelling at each other and tell me what's going on.

"Ahem. Doctors could you please stop yelling at each other! You're startling America and no one has even thought to tell me what is happening!"

"Sorry your highness let me introduce myself and then I'll explain everything. I'm doctor Ashlar and when America fainted she fell and hit her head causing her to go into a coma. Now that she is awake it appears that she has lost her memory and now we are doing everything we can to figure out what she last remembers."

I wonder if she even remembers entering the selection. I hope she gets her memories back.

I need her to remember me but I got her to fall in love with me once so at least I know it is doable in case I have to do it again. I can't lose her forever!
The man sitting next to me is now screaming at the doctors to stop yelling.

I'm thankful for this person even though I don't know who he is. I wonder where my husband is. I don't really remember his name or what he looks like but I clearly have a ring on my finger so I must be taken.

"America do you not remember me?"

Why is this man even talking to me of course I have no clue who he is!

"Who are you?"

Oh no he has a hurt expression on his face I must have met him before and I just don't remember him.

"Princess America I am doctor Ashlar and I just wanted to inform you that you have been in a coma for a week and you seem to have lost your memory."

Woah woah woah, did he just say I'm a prin a princ a princess? No I couldn't be, I'm just a five from Carolina. Where's May and my parents? I would have thought they would come visit me if I was in the hospital.

Wait this doesn't look like a normal hospital. "Where am I?"

The man sitting next to me answered saying "America I know you probably don't remember me but I'm your husband Maxon and you live in the palace so your in the palace infirmary."

Oh. My. Gosh. I can't be married to the prince of Illéa can I? I mean I have a spectacular ring and he's saying I'm his wife. He wouldn't lie about that right?

"So you're telling me that the crown prince of Illéa is my husband?!"

He's chuckling while he's saying, "Oh, my dear yes you are my wife and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Aww even though I don't remember him his words make my heart melt. I feel like I love him even though I don't know him.

"What's your name? I feel like I should at least know your name if you're my husband."

I can tell this is hurting him that I can't remember him but I don't want to tell him I do when I actually don't.

"My name is Maxon Schreave and your name is America Schreave."

What when did I change my name... ohh it must have been when we got married. I really wish I remembered him, he seems like a great person.

"When can I get out of this hospital bed?"

I really want to leave this room but I don't know where I would go.

If I'm married to the prince though I'm sure I have my own room.

"I'll take you to your room right now if your ready America."

I think the guy that said that's name is Maxon, but I'm not sure.

"I'm ready."

I'm now going to where my "husband" says is my room.
                                3 days later
America hasn't remembered anything since her coma and I'm really worried that she'll never look at me the way she did a few months ago ever again.

I've been trying to remind her of her favorite things and some of our favorite memories together.

The only thing I think she remembers is liking strawberry tarts. Of course that's what she remembers, she loves food!

Today I plan on taking her on a walk in the gardens and then we'll have lunch at our bench.

She hasn't seemed to remember our bench lately but I hope I can spark a memory or two.

We haven't even been married long and I've already almost lost her. I just need her to remember me.
I'm so excited for my date with Maxon today!

It's been three days and I still can't remember him. I know he can't stand it that I can't remember him.

He's coming to get me in ten minutes so I'm just finishing up getting ready.

My maids have done an excellent job getting me ready for tonight I can't wait to see Maxon's face when he opens the door. *knock knock knock* Oh that must be him now!

Mary is opening the door now and wow Maxon looks so handsome in his suit. Now that I'm looking at him though I see that his jaw is dropped and he's staring at me.

I run up to him and kiss him and I could tell how much that surprised him. It took him a minute to kiss me back but when he did it was full of passion and love.

It made me realize how much I actually loved him and I was starting to remember him a little.

"Maxon!! I kind of remember you some now!"

The look of excitement on his face made my heart melt.

I can tell how much he really loves me, and I know that he will never stop.
During the date
I'm currently walked down the stairs with America on my arm.

Of course the one that wasn't shot.

I love her so much and just knowing that she is starting to remember me again makes me want to jump for joy.

We're now exiting the main palace doors to begin our walk around the gardens.

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