Chapter 41: Lillian's Answer

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When Jax fought his way into the great room I knew he was up to no good.

He somehow managed to push past the guards and stop in front of the girls.

I'm not even sure how he was able to escape from the dungeon unnoticed, but somehow he made it happen.

I quickly sprung out of my chair to stand in front of a crying Lillian in America's arms.

I had to protect my perfect wife and the precious teenager in her arms.

"Don't come any closer," I warned.

His face shows fear and urgency, as if he has something really important to say.

Even though his face held those emotions, he still chose to step forward and speak.

I nod towards the guards to signal them to grab him as he yells for Lillian to listen to him.

Whatever he has to say must be really important.

As he said, "please Lillian, I love you," I signaled for the guards to let him go.

I am going to let him tell Lillian whatever he wants to say, and then lock him back up somewhere far away from the palace.

I spaced out for the rest of Jax's spew until I heard, "Lillian Faith Miles, will you marry me?".

To say I was shocked to hear that, would be an understatement.

"I love you too," Lillian says as she continues to cry.

"But the things you have done to me and our country are inexcusable. I'm sorry Jax, but for right now at least, I can't marry you."

I wasn't expecting her to say that, but I am proud that she did.

It is evident that she has become a better person since she arrived at the palace.

"Come on Lillian let's get you in a warm bath. Guards, please escort Jax back to his cell," America says with authority.

Once they leave the room I remember all of the other guests we have in the room that we had invited for Thanksgiving dinner.

"I'm so sorry you all had to see that. Let me explain what just happened. As you all know we had an art competition and Lillian was the winner. She then came to the palace and did not behave properly. Eventually we had a rebel attack and one of the organizers of it happened to be her boyfriend, Jax. I know this probably sounds confusing, but Lillian did not know Jax was a rebel leader, or that he had ever been to the palace before. The information came as a shock to all of us, including Lillian. After she found out she quickly tried to cut all ties with him and therefore broke up with him. Then, as you just saw, he fought his way back to her trying to regain her trust and failed, again. America is going to take care of her now. We will up our security measures, but I think it would be best if everyone retired to their rooms for the night," I explain.

Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. No one seemed to be too awfully scared or anything.

Although we didn't invite other royal families to dinner. The only people we invited to eat with us were America's family, my aunt and her children, and Marlee and Carter.

Marlee and Carter calmly exited the room while May ran up to me.

I wrapped my arms around her as she started sobbing into my chest.

Even though May is fifteen years old, she still gets startled when anything happens in the palace.

"Shhh, everything is going to alright May. No one was hurt and nothing else is going to happen," I say trying to calm her down.

It seemed to work since she let me walk her up to her room.

"Are you going to be alright alone, or would you like to come stay with America? I can stay on one of our couches if you would feel safer in there. Or I could even post some guards outside your door."

"Some guards would be great, thank you Maxon, you're a great brother in law," May says squeezing me in a hug.

"Alright," I chuckle. "I'll send someone here in a few minutes," I say before walking towards my own room.

"King Maxon," Office Bishop says as he starts to walk towards me.

"Oh, Officer Bishop, could you guard May's door for me tonight? I just want her to feel safe and she thinks she would feel safer with a guard outside her door," I ask.

"I would be honored to Your Majesty," and with a nod he walks towards May's door.
After Jax proposed and Lillian declined I tried my best to get her out of that room as quickly as possible.

I know when she first got here that she loved getting attention, but I don't think this is the kind of attention she craves.

I got her into my room within five minutes and sat her down on one of the couches.

"It's going to be okay Lillian. Maybe during his time in prison he'll come to realize all of his mistakes and change for you. Confessing his love was one step in the right direction, even if he did it in the wrong way."

"I-I think it's time that I just go home. I've caused to many problems here and now this thing with Jax. I also have a lot to process right now. If you can have a plane ready I'll leave tomorrow morning," she says sadly.

"Oh Lillian. I'm sure going to miss you," I say hugging her.

"You'll have to come back some time in the future," I say managing a small smile.

"I would love that," she says tearing up.

"Well I guess we better start getting ready for bed, would you like for me to escort you to your room?"

"Thank you, but I think I'll just walk alone. Thank you for everything you have done for me," she then turns and walks to the door.

"And Lillian, could you please at least enjoy one more meal with us and have breakfast with the King and I in the morning?"

"That sounds wonderful," she says right before she walks out the door.

"Mary could you start a bath for me please?"

I'm sorry it took almost two weeks for me to finish this. I had surgery this week and have been having a rough time, lucky I am feeling much better now though.

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