Chapter 21: Visitors

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America and I just got out of our advisors meeting.

We came up with a new security plan, and we are going to have all of our staff take a lie detector test to see if anyone inside the palace is helping them get in.

America thinks I am leading her to our room, while I'm actually taking her to one of our many parlors. As soon as I "got back to work" after mine and America's discussion I called her family.

She said she wanted them to come stay for a while so I called them immediately.

It was easier to get them here considering that I gifted them a house near the palace.

I then made arrangements for some of the palace guards to bring them here. They are now waiting in one of our parlors to surprise America with their presence.

I hope she likes my surprise. I know she wanted to see them, I'm just not sure if she'll think today was too soon for them to come.

"Maxon? Why are you leading us away from our room? Where are you taking us?"

I don't want to spoil the surprise but telling her we're headed to a parlor sounds like I'm up to something.

"Can I not just take a walk around the palace with my beautiful wife?" That might make her stop questioning me.

"Oh ok then. I guess I can walk around a little longer. We both need to eventually get back to work though."

There's my America, always putting the country before herself. I'm glad she wants to do what's best for the country, but sometimes I wish she would just do something for herself for once.

That's another reason why I called her family so soon. America has been working so hard and I feel like she needs a well deserved break.

"Well I'm getting kind of tired of walking around. Why don't we just have a seat inside this parlor."

I hope that didn't sound too suspicious. Considering her face though, she doesn't seem to question it. It seems as if she would actually like to take a seat.

"That sounds great Maxon. I could use a rest to just sit down for a minute. Especially in a room without a bunch of advisors at our throats."

"I agree, it will be nice to be in a room without our advisors. Let's go inside."

I opened the door for her like a gentleman and when she say May she squealed and ran to her.

Yep, I definitely made the right decision.
Maxon opened the door for me and when I walked in I was met by my family. I'm so glad Maxon brought them here.

"May! I'm so glad you're here! Thank you so much for getting them here Maxon!"

"You're welcome my dear." He said that while smirking. Well good for him because I'm to happy to correct him.

"How long are you all staying?" I hope they can stay for a while. I haven't seen them since I got married.

"Well," my mom said. "We were planning on staying for the rest of the month."

Yay I can't believe they can stay that long. "Yay, I'm so glad you can stay that long!"

I walked over to Maxon and kissed him. "Thank you so much," I whispered to him. He just smiled at me and at that moment I wondered how my life had become so perfect.

"America, would you like to hold Astra? I'm sure she'd love you, and if Maxon wants to hold her he can too."

Aww Astra is so cute! "Thanks Kenna, I would love to hold her, and I'm sure Maxon would too."

Astra is a super calm baby, she hardly even cries. I hope my future children are this well behaved. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course you can Maxon. Astra meet you're uncle Maxon." Maxon looks adorable holding Astra.

He is going to be an amazing father one day. "Kenna if you want to go on a date with James while you're here Maxon and I could watch Astra."

"That would be great America, thank you so much. We'll definitely have to take you up on that offer some time."

Maxon looks excited to spend more time with Astra. He seems to really like her, and she hasn't cried at all since Maxon started holding her.

"Hey Maxon and America, when will be expecting a royal baby? I would like Astra to have a cousin close to her age to play with. I want our kids to be best friends."

"Thanks Kenna I would too, but I'm not sure when that will happen."

Wow, could this get any more awkward? "Well I'll let you get back to work. Thanks for letting us stay here and coming to see us!"

I'm glad they're happy to be here. I wouldn't want them to feel out of place here.

"You're welcome here any time. We'll see you at dinner, bye. Maxon you should probably give Astra back now haha."

"Oh yeah, thanks for letting me hold her."
America seemed really happy getting to visit her family. We both had a great time visiting with them, and I even got to hold her niece Astra.

She's so cute, I can't wait to see what mine and America's children look like.

I walked out a few seconds ago with America right behind me. As soon as the door closed she walked over and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I couldn't help but smirk.

"I just loved seeing how you were with Astra," she simply stated.

"While that was fun we should probably get back to work. Dinner is just in a few hours now."

"Alright Maxon lets go." Now we are walking arm in arm to our conjoined offices to get back to work.

Today has been a great day, not even frustrating advisors could ruin this day now.

If you have any ideas on what should happen in the next chapter please let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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