Chapter 30: The After Party

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After my party with everyone in the ball room, Maxon said we were going to have a little party of our own.

He led me upstairs and said he had some gifts for me.

"Maxon I told you not to get me anything. You're all I'll ever want or need."

"I'm sorry my dear but the Queen can't go without at least few birthday presents."

I know Maxon is just using that as an excuse, but I can't help but laugh at his knowing grin.

I was shocked when I opened my last present. Maxon had found the songbird necklace my father had given me and gotten it back for me.

He also got me a new violin and a blue bracelet. I love all of his gifts but the necklace means so much to me.

I don't think he could even understand how much it means to me. I love him so much, he seems to do anything and everything he can for me.

"I love you Maxon."

"And I love you too Mrs. Schreave."

"Maxon stop!" Maxon won't stop tickling me and I'm laughing way too loudly for a Queen.

"Is everything alright—" I don't know why Maxon thinks it's so funny when we get caught together, but I am always embarrassed.

"Maxon do you know how embarrassing it is when guards walk in on us?!"

"It's fine darling it's not like we were doing anything." I can't help but blush at that which makes him laugh.

"Let's just go to sleep, it's been a long day."

"If that's what you want. Happy birthday America, I love you. Always."

When I woke up my maids put me in a simple dress to go see mom. She requested for me to meet her in her rooms before breakfast this morning. I wonder what she needs.

"Good morning America."

"Morning mom." She always smiles when I call her mom. Even though she's Maxon's mother, she said I could call her mom.

"How was your birthday? Did you enjoy the party?"

"Yes! I had the best birthday ever. It couldn't have been any better," I said with a smile on my face.

"That's good to hear dear. Now, today I have planned for a birthday photo shoot for you and Maxon. You can also have anyone else you want in the pictures but I just thought you would especially want some with Maxon."

"Oh thank you so much!" I can't wait for our photo shoot this will be so much fun!

"Would you like to be part of the photo shoot too? I know the rest of my family already went home and since you're already here—"

She cut me off saying "I would love too! Ooh this is going to be so much fun! Go and get ready and when you're done we can meet in the gardens."

"Alright I'll see you soon."

As soon as I entered my room my maids pulled me in to start getting me ready.

They put my hair up into a braided twist and did my makeup naturally. Then they put me in a blue dress with flowers at the top. It's super comfortable and flowy.

"Are you ready my dear?"

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"Are you ready my dear?"

"Why yes I am my royal husbandness."

"You look stunning America," Maxon says once we start walking.

"Thanks, and you don't look too bad yourself."

Walking down the stairs I can see mom in her beautiful yellow gown. Her gown has lots of embroidered flowers and glitter on it.

I don't know how she manages to look regal even when she isn't trying to. I'll never be as good as her.

I'm glad she's here to guide me in ruling the country though. Maxon helps me as much as he can, but sometimes he has too many things he has to do to help me.

"Hello Maxon, good to see you again America

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"Hello Maxon, good to see you again America. You both cleaned up well."

"Thank you mother, where did you want to start this photo shoot? I'm sure America would love to get started."

"Yes this should be lots of fun."

"Why don't America and I get some pictures together on our bench," Maxon said squeezing my hand.

"Okay smile," the photographer called out to us. Maxon and I have had lots of fun taking pictures for the last hour.

Most of them were just of us but we got a few with mom in them. I'm surprised Maxon hasn't asked to take any of the pictures yet.

"I think it's about time to stop," mom said.

"Wait, before we say we're done could I take some pictures of you two. I promise I won't take many."

Of course I don't care if Maxon takes some pictures, I just wish he could be in all of them.

"I think I'm done with pictures today but you could take some of just America or even of the garden."

"That's a great idea mom," Maxon exclaimed.

I ended up having Maxon just take pictures of the garden.

The photographer had already gotten enough pictures of just me

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The photographer had already gotten enough pictures of just me.

"I love days like these. Where I just get to be myself with you and forget about ruling a country. Being with you makes my day a million times better. I never want you to doubt that. If we could come out here everyday and spend this much time together that would be a dream come true. Sadly though we have work to do, but these are the times I will always cherish."

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

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