Chapter 4: Longest Week

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I'm not sure if America is contagious or not but to be honest I don't really care.

I just need to see her and make sure she's okay. I don't know what I would do if something bad ever happened to my America.

I'm walking up to her room now and hopefully she's in there. I'm nervous about what she'll tell me she has when I get there but for now all I can do is hope that it's nothing serious.

BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP! Ah what is that sound? Oh no it's the rebel alarm, I sure hope my America's okay.

I'm now sprinting towards America's room and hoping she's already in a safe room and not asleep in her room.

As I'm trying to turn the doorknob I realize that it's locked and I can't get in.

I'm hurriedly running into my room to try our connected door but it isn't working either. She must have locked me out of her room.

How am I supposed to know if she's safe or not? At this point all I can do now I get into the royal safe room and hope she's in there.
I know I can't be around Maxon but I can't bear the fact that he's probably out there looking for me while I'm in a safe room.

I need him to be safe, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happend to him.
I just need to get to the royal safe room and fast!

"Stop right there Prince Maxon!" Oh no these must be Southern Rebels! I've got to get out of here.

I'm trying to find the secret opening in the wall and now they're grabbing me! I'm now being dragged out of my room with a gun held to my head and I still don't know if America is safe.

"I command you to stop!!"

"No can do Princey." As he said that one of the palace guards rounded the corner.

I recognize him as Officer Bishop he's one of the newer guards. I hope he can save me, I can't let them take me away from America.

Before I can even blink again Officer Bishop is shooting the rebel holding me captive.

The rebel is still holding my arm though and Officer Bishop doesn't seem to have very good aim yet. As he empties his gun his last bullet pierced my skin and I let out a scream.

Officer Bishop just shot my arm.

Even though I can't stand the pain I'm just glad he was able to take out the rebel so I am free. He seems really sorry but I'm actually pretty proud of him.

He did a heroic thing going up against a rebel knowing he didn't have perfect aim.

Now I just hope someone will be able to clean my arm's bullet wound.
They just let us out of the safe room and I need to see Maxon.

I need to know that he's okay.

I'm on my way up the stairs to my room and I think I can hear someone calling my name.

"America! America! America!" I wonder who that could be.

"Yes! Who's there?"

"It's me Aspen!"

"Is there something I can help you with Aspen?"

"America, Maxon is in the hospital he just got shot!"

Oh no Maxon just got shot how did I let this happen! I should have stayed with him! I can't believe this is happening right now!

Those were my last thoughts before everything went black.
I'm now in the hospital wing getting my bullet wound taken care of.

I haven't seen America or my parents yet. I sure hope they're okay.

The only person that can take my mind off the pain is America. I need to know if she's alright.

"Excuse me miss."

"Is there something I can do for you your highness?"

"Yes, could you please see if anyone knows anything about America's whereabouts?"

"I would be more than happy to your highness."

"Why thank you." I hope America isn't feeling to ill to come visit me.

"Prince Maxon I know where Princess America is. She's in another room here in the infirmary."

What! Did my America get hurt?

"Do you know why she's here?"

"Your highness I believe she fainted when she heard you were shot."

NOO this can't be happening right now. Now America has no one to comfort her and I'm stuck here with a bullet wounded arm.

I've got to get out of this room and see America.

"Miss where can I find America?"

"I'll take you to her Prince Maxon."
One week later
I open my eyes to bright lights and I quickly shut them again.

I can now hear someone yelling and lots of beeping. I wonder why.

It also seems like someone is holding my hand, but I don't recognize who it is.

I quickly yank my hand away and wake up the sleeping man.

He's now trying kiss me while I shove him away.

Doesn't he know I'm married! Who does he think he is?
I've been sitting here with America for a few hours now and I think I fell asleep once or twice.

Now I'm definitely awake though because America just yanked her hand away from me!

She's finally awake! She's been in a coma for a week and it's been the longest week of my life.

No one knew if she would ever wake up again. I knew she was a fighter though and that she would eventually wake up.

Thank you guys for reading this so far! Please leave any recommendations you have in the comments! I know the beginning was a little slow but I plan on making this story long and suspenseful.

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